Funko Heating Up

See the news ? Canada has an open border. Just drive over to Toys R Us and get one.


Or have a Canadian girlfriend that nobody has met but you swear you have and she’ll mail it to you as soon as she can.

To far of a drive. I am 20 mins away from the Mexican boarder not worth it lol.

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EE has a Buy 3 Get 1 Free Funko sale going on currently!

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Hurry before they end up in a land fill…/


Funko found a solution for all the space/storage the Funko Pops were taking up.

Bitty Pops

$24.99 each I bet.

I am at a loss for words.


I guess that’s one less line (Mondo posters) I’ll have to stand on for 2 hours at SDCC

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Jesus. Compare that to the original Mondo business sale press release and this does not seem like the optimistic future they predicted.

Mondo cofounder and creative director Mitch Putnam tried to put fears about the unique brand being diluted to rest: Calling the next step “Mondo 2,” he wrote, “We went into this process incredibly concerned with keeping Mondo authentic and familiar, and we left the process 100% comfortable with our new partners.”


Funko really is an evil f*ckin$ company. Maybe it started out all fun and games, but now it’s just a late stage capitalist physical meme and FOMO peddler.

I was about to order the Loki soundtrack Mondo dropped this morning, but now I’m solid in my decision just to listen to Natalie Holt’s amazing soundtrack on itunes/spotify.


If I had $100 every time a founder of a smaller company got bought out by a larger company that was publicly traded that said "Don’t worry, our brand is safe and in better hands now… " or something along those lines, I’d be a quadtrillionaire probably…


Yeah, slave to publicly traded shares. And their share price has gone in the toilet over the last bit, forcing them to make big changes.

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Took them less than a year to ruin it. What a waste. I’m not a Mondo follower per se but I hate seeing Funko ruin a perfectly good thing.

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You aren’t kidding. This time last year it was trading at ~$17/share today it’s ~$7. What a catastrophic toxic waste pit of a company.

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Small company gets bought out, small company loses everything about it that was special as large company absorbs it. Large company blames everyone in smaller company and cuts it down to the bone. A sad trend.

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Man-Thing… DAMN !!!



Is that an Exclusive somewhere?

not out yet