Funko Heating Up

Wow, I ordered that 5 days ago and it arrived today.

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Here’s one that seemingly had overnight success. Fruits Basket is a “slice of life” anime in the veins of a teenage drama. It’s full of cute characters and a will-they, won’t-they storyline between the lead character and the grumpy protagonist. You can compare the overarching plot to Ouran Highschool Host Club. Much like the original Ouran Highschool Host Club POPs, Fruits Basket POPs have started to increase in value. However, the one leading the pack is the Hot Topic exclusive.

Kyo is the grumpy protagonist in the show (most commonly referred to as a “tsundere”) as he sheds his rough exterior and becomes a lovable character at the end. The male characters on the show (and I think 1 or 2 female characters) are all based on Zodiac characters, and Kyo’s character is based on the legend that the cat lost the race to be a zodiac due to being tricked by a rat. As a result, he and the Rat spirit, Yuki, never get along.

I give all this context because this was a very popular manga amongst female readers when it came out in the 90s; it has had two anime adaptations, with the recent 2019 adaptation getting a lot of favorable reviews. In fact, it got so many positive reviews that an anime film was announced and is set to premier later this month. This has sent all Fruits Basket collectors into a frenzy. As you can imagine, over the years, men and women of all ages have enjoyed this anime, so it’s not just little girls buying these up!

You can still find most of the commons at shops for regular price, and you might even be able to find this Hot Topic exclusive under $50 if shops and resellers haven’t caught on yet.

If you buy it, flip it immediately! If you remember from my first post, Hot Topic loves to do restocks, and Kyo came out last year during the pandemic and supply chain issues. He is due for a restock.

Make your $180-$200 off of him, and when a restock happens, buy more! Even when the value drops, it’ll certainly rise back up.

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Funimation has their exclusive Shigure Soma with Dog pop on sale for half off right now.

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Dang it - As if I need another website to buy stuff from (but thanks for this one because it is awesome looking).

I got this Batman, the Mandalorian Glow-in-the-Dark Entertainment Earth exclusive and the George Lucas as a Stormtrooper ordered.

I have the mail-away exclusive George Lucas/Stormtrooper and Dave Filoni Black Series Trapper Wolf so I figure I’d add the upcoming one. I mean, it’s George Lucas and Dave Filoni! Just waiting on a Favreau Black Series now.

I have to say I may take all your info on here and have to start a Funko Pop site. Lol.


@Anthony are you saying I’m going to be getting a basement chain mate? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Some great POPs just went up/restock:


Daaang. That FMA is great. Looks like it’s already sold out again though.

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Hades back in stock. If you’re lucky, you could get a chase.

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This one is a must buy!

Also another good one

Must have!

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I cannot stand funko pops tbh and don’t like them. Butt I love the show so much I had to get this one and its pretty much the only even slightly related merch of it

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Nice! That’s how they get people to buy POPs! It’s a cheap and fast way to produce merchandise for almost anything. I think they would’ve fizzled out a while back if companies were willing to put more merchandise out for cult shows.


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With news of Futurama returning, it’s time to look at another beloved Matt Groening/David X. Cohen show, Disenchantment. I’ll be honest, CHUsters, I saw the first two episodes, and it didn’t get me. However, maybe it’s time that I give it another chance. The series is still going strong on Netflix, and it has developed a strong fanbase. As you can probably guess, it doesn’t have as much merchandise out there as The Simpsons or Futurama, but it does have POPs!

The Disenchantment POPs came out in November 2019, and they were on shelves for quite a while. Well, if you’re a fan that needed to get at least one of these POPs, then I got news for you
they are starting to heat up!

Looking at PPG, we have the following prices:

These were all common POPs with the exception of Bean in Dress. Even so, it looks like Not-Bart is leading the pack in terms of value.

The second half of season 2 just dropped a few days ago, and fans are eagerly awaiting if Netflix will renew it for another set of episodes. Whether it gets renewed or cancelled, chances are that these POPs will continue to rise.

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This is a big one! Many fans and collectors have been waiting for this drop.

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Back in stock! This bad boy easily sells for $60-$70.

Placeholder for today’s Mando

So it’ll be a popular one?