I just tried visualizing myself cutting up ANY comic book, and that’s insanity to me.

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Exactly, cause I don’t think it’s going to happen. Maybe they’ll sacrifice a few issues (which isn’t any type of proof if you ask me) for the video but that video better show all the remaining copies being cut up. Youtube has no limits of how long a video is, if it’s just them sitting and cutting off covers for hours upon hours, do it… and post it. Prove to us or it’s all fake at this point to pump their “exclusive book”.


What exactly is a ‘premium variant’? I’ve had my ears pretty close the comic world’s ground over the last 5-6 years. I have never heard that phrase before. That sounds like a hot take fomo buzz word, ‘premium’ variant.

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And no, if they claim they’re going to get an outside company to “destroy” the remaining books, anyone can make a fake “certificate” of destruction. You really think that company is gonna go off and destroy these if they got any employee knowing how much they’re selling for? They’re gonna turn around, give them a certificate and sell them themselves unless they show proof.

At a tech company, we had hard drives picked up for “destruction” cause they were deemed to have too much sensitive data on them. I asked the guys who picked them up off to the side if they “truly” destroy hard drives worth hundreds of dollars each… His response with a sarcastic smile and wink was… "Oh, for sure we do… "

Pretty sure those guys got paid to destroy and then they went off, wiped them and then sold them as “refurbs” to another company.

I hope I’m wrong though with all my assumptions. I hope they do end up recording it with verifiable proof that these were truly limited to just 600 copies of each cover.

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CBSI has had previous ‘employees’ say they pump and dump. Like it was talked about in meetings and stuff. Whether people want to believe those stories or not is up to them. I have no verification if they are true or not, just saying what I have heard over the last several years I have been in these spec circles.

Have they slowed down on their store variants they used to do? There was a point where it seemed like they had one every other month for some new indie title they were pumping and telling you how great it was gonna be and what a solid long term investment it would be. Is this CBE site their new way to just continue that while semi removing themselves from it? I dunno man. At least with the Star Wars High Republic it is likely to be worth something down the road unlike Queen of Bad Dreams, Honor and Curse, 4 kids walk into a bank, Knights of the Golden Sun, blah blah blah lol


Also, I’m curious as to what “reader copy” shows up with each and every order.

Each set will also come with a reader copy of Star Wars The High Republic #1

It doesn’t state if it’s the cover they’re selling. For all we know is they ordered 600 extra copies of High Republic Cover A to cut a piece off the cover and include…

Anyone who ordered this, please do share the “reader copy”. I’m also wondering if they just rip off the entire front cover to hid the fact it could be a regular cover A as well…

It also says only 600 sets will ever be sold…on CBE. Not that only 600 sets will ever be sold ever in the history of selling. Just only 600 sets will be sold on CBE. The other 2400 will be sold everywhere else? lol


Yeah. Like I said, unless they show some verifiable proof they’re all sitting in a circle cutting up comics and record the whole thing after they show proof of how many were bought… just expect there to be 3000+ copies out there… :wink:


When I receive my order in January, I will post pictures of everything - packaging, both copies and the reader copy for everyone.


If this is the case, why not destroy 2,999 and sell one to the biggest whale you can find? Fewer steps, fewer boxes to pack.

Or better yet, sell all 3000 at the same total price you’d likely sell to that fat willing whale… :wink:

Or better yet, Marvel just makes it cover b open to order.

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That would be so awesome… or they replace the 1:25 with this cover… :wink:

We should petition Marvel to use this as their 1:25.

Or have it as their 3rd printing variant…

The chaos that would ensue if Marvel started using retailer exclusives with color splash or something as an extra print…

Again, I just want to make it clear I do like the cover, and I’m not saying this is a scam for sure. I just want to wait and see them have a track record before I order something that’s that expensive. I’ll be glad if they show clear proof of destroying the extra copies, and be glad for those who took the gamble and won. For everyone’s sake I hope it DOES turn out to be 100% legit.


Scorpion Comics also claims that they do a 600 print run on some Marvel books and they destroy the others.

800 on this one

Do they provide verifiable proof though?

Good question Agent P. So far I haven’t seen it