I like what you got! (Goodwills, Thrift Stores, Yard Sales, ETC Finds)

I have problems seeing distance and will be honest, never paid it any mind. With glasses on I now see more than 12 feet away. One of the biggest struggles for me was I lost my ability to track fly balls on the baseball field. I would think I would be directly under it based on where my vision put me but would be a foot or two off. Also can’t read signs while driving but focusing on the important things.

So anyway I was amazed how far away I can see with glass on. Problem is up close the glasses make all the dimensions odd. Like makes everything up close seemed squished. I am adjusting

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I need bifocals. In the last year I’ve had to start taking off my glasses to see things closer. Which is basically any time I’m using a phone or iPad or reading a piece of mail.


I got single vision but need progressive lenses or bifocals. Gonna get used to one but will need readers soon of I don’t order the bifocals.

Forgot to show these off. $3 each

Neal Adams Art

Random Golden age fun book.


While someone was on their phone taking forever looking through the C and D boxes, I pulled these out of the Batman box for. 99 cents each. I was hoping to get another #12 but no luck.

I then went around the phone guy and found all these for .50 cents each.


These were .99 cents each.


Those Mighty Magnor issues were a riot by Aragones.
I remember reading them and laughing quite often.
Underappreciated series & it’s Malibu comics which… well… y’know… It’s Malibu comics

I love Aragones so much. My earliest memory of buying comics was when a friend introduced me to Groo when I was 7 or 8. I picked it up at a newsstand and instantly fell in love comics. I would spend hours pouring through every single panel trying to find the ‘secret message’ hidden in the intricate artwork in every issue. Aragones was really my first superstar artist. It wasn’t until many years later during high school when another friend brought me to a comic shop and that’s when I knew comic shops existed. A few years ago I bought the entire full run of Groo and all the specials.

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There’s an Artist’s Edition of Groo that is absolutely gorgeous reproduction of his original pages - full size.
Pricey - but if you something worthy of saving Quarters for

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A local public library just got a “large donation of comics” that they’re putting up for sale this Sat.
I guess I know where I’ll be… real early.

And of course someone had to “tag” a well-known comic Youtuber :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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Curious what YouTuber.

Jim’s Comics?! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Still going, but not nearly as intrigued based on these pics posted.

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All are $1 each or 6 for $5

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I never trust these things. I feel like a lot of stuff gets cherry picked.

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I’d still go.


Yeah, if it’s moderns you might have a better chance at most of pulling out some flips. But not striking gold, silver or bronze it seems.

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Hit a show in town today. Everything I got was $1-2, and I ended up with 26 books. Nothing amazing, but a few good finds.

Trying to complete these two runs.


I seem to never see the Night of the Living Deadpool books. Happy to find this. Capt. marvel 2nd print for a buck is cool.

Some 1970s horror.

Absolutely love this cover.


Was able to do a deal today with someone on offer up. All these cool X-men books issue 105-108 and 129-138 (range between 3.0-6.0 even better if pressed or cleaned). I always wanted to owen and read this run. But they have gotten expensive regardless of the condition. I did a trade for them and you wouldn’t believe what I traded for them. What would you have traded for this run?


It’s an absolutely great run but you have affordable alternatives like the Omnibus and even cheaper, almost the entire run starting with Giant size #1 is reprinted in the dollar bin fodder title Classic X-Men and X-Men Classic. They changed the name after the phoenix saga and the first part of the run includes extra short stories not originally in the comics to have the page counts match up with production runs at the time. Basically, they’re important to have whether you have the expensive originals or even the Omnibus although they’ve now collected those short stories into Omnibus as well.

I grew up buying X-Men comics as they released from the 140’s and used Classic X-Men to catch up on what I’d missed prior as a kid.


Picked this up from a local seller on FB yesterday.


If you don’t mind me asking, how much did you pay and does it have the MVS?