I like what you got! (Goodwills, Thrift Stores, Yard Sales, ETC Finds)

Interesting comic acquired today at a local antique mall. I found a 30 cent price variant of, “Marvel Two-In-One,” 15. All you all know, this is from during a brief period in 1976 where in some test markets Marvel did comics 5 cents more expensive than the standard quarter. Even a beat-up copy like this is maybe worth $30 on a good day. I paid eight bucks so I’m happy! Pic:


Pretty big score. Wait until the end.

First up is dollar sale comics from Hershey PA

Next up $1 from Sandusky antique store

And $16 total purchase at another Antique store


Whoah…winner winner chicken dinner on the Rifleman…hell of a score!!!

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Should that Rifleman also be shared in the Inappropriate Covers topic? I mean, it appears that Mark is indeed holding Lucas’ hrrrrr… hrrrmmm… Wood! :laughing:

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It has been shared many times.

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The Scooby doo book is like a $100 book from what I have seen.

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Wel done!

Looking up the Scooby Doo book, this may pre-date Scooby Doo #1 from Dell

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Weren’t those freebies from places like Sears or other department stores usually reprints of the original comic? Which would put it later?

Trying to figure it out. Both were published in 1970

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Looks like it may have been 1971, I think its March of Comics #356. The copyright just below the fish bowl says 1971. Rare book it seems, none in CGC census.

When something is not even in the census that can be a really good sign or a really bad sign. I think this is a really good sign!

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We’ve all posted our Yard/Garage/Thrift wins.
I had a big time “L” today.

Every Thursday, I reach out to each and every weekend FB yard sale posted in my approx 20 mile vicinity even when they DONT state in the Facebook ad that they will have comics.
It’s my new way of getting an advantage on all those sharks that look specifically for the word “comic” in a yard sale and beat me to the punch by showing up 2 hours early to a sale :rage:
When I reach out to the yard sale poster, I typically get no response or “no comics”

But this week I did get a hit despite not advertising comics.
She said she had some Spider-Man comics and older comics and would hold for me if I come at start.
Then she contacted me later and said she found even more comics.

So off I went. This was 25 miles away. I get there and no “comic guys” hanging around and I’m like “yea baby - I’m all set”.
I ask her, she goes oh youre’ the comic guy. She brings them out of her house. 5 books total and all real bad shape, three 90s spiderman, a 1970s classics illustrated, and a railroad promo comic. :roll_eyes:

Waste of time and gas.


Dang, I’m sorry.

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Dang! Did you at least buy them?

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Get this.
I actually felt bad for her in that she went out of her way to take them out for me, hold them for me, and hope I’d arrive.
So I offered $5 knowing I was actually paying $5 for about $0.50 worth of books because she did go out of her way. She gives me a “you gotta be kidding” look and says one (the Classics Ill) is so so old and the others are surely worth alot of money. I just said ok, thank you and left $5 richer (minus gas)

Trust me when I say it’s a really really strange feeling; like none I’ve ever had, when you offer more than something is worth and the seller says no. I didn’t even know what to say. totally tongue tied.


Garage sale lady be like…


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I had something similar happen at a yard sale about a month ago. I bought a bunch of video games including game cube games, maybe 60 total games across multiple platforms and two complete Nintendo Wii consoles. They told me take all for $50, done. I asked if they had comics and they said yes and took me inside the house. It was the typical Facebook marketplace pile of books (300ish) in a couple tubs some bagged most were not. They were all 1990s books. I asked how much, they said $8,000! I politely said no thank you and left.


Yea… something is happening out there, recently, that that is inconsistent with reality.

The non-knowledgeable population feels they have a goldmine with comics as opposed to the last 20 years when most homeowners felt they were junk.

The difference is that today, most are actually junk; whereas what I was finding in the past wasn’t.
The MCU has managed to shift beliefs with those that are clueless.


I had the something similar at a yard sale, the older lady was selling at odd prices, a random ASM from the 80’s for $45, etc. I asked how she decided on the prices and she told me that she priced them $1 for every year old they were… yea, didn’t even bother offering.

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