I like what you got! (Goodwills, Thrift Stores, Yard Sales, ETC Finds)

Where is this at? Man all places here know what they have and sell for ebay prices. Sometimes I try to bundle things with people and they still don’t want to sell for a few dollars less. My game collection is not growing as it once was lol :laughing: .

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I got lucky… unlisted sale I found driving around, I was there late too so I was surprised it was still there.


Someone found a Dect 27 at a yard sale


When I am looking for comics to buy on Facebook or at garage sales/estate sales/etc. I seem to see two extremes with little in-between:

  1. Everything is astonishingly cheap whether it is good stuff, worthless stuff, or a mix. It is just all priced to move at 50 cents or a couple bucks each. When this happens I buy a whole tub/box/whatever from the seller I meet up with from Facebook/at the estate sale/so forth.

  2. Everything is priced absurdly. The stuff barely worth a buck is priced at 5 dollars each and anything that is notable is well above market-value. These are the folks who list a longbox for $400 full of random modern stuff (this just happened to me, I saw it) and I tell them I usually buy a longbox for $75 and that’s sometimes generous compared to what they would get at Half Price books. Then they get mad that their 90s-2000s stuff they insist counts as, “Old,” is worth a lot less than they’d like. That, or an estate sale with crazy pricing of old stuff that is beat to hell and priced as if it were near mint.

I’m seeing a lot more of the latter than the former these days.


Seems like my dad’s mentality he had about the value of things long ago… he use to collect the sports related coke/pepsi bottles and swore most were worth $100 or more each. I showed him once his Paul Bear Bryant Coke bottles he swore were worth $100 each or more were selling anywhere between $5 and $20, most near the bottom value number. Even after showing him the proof, he went on to say his were still worth $100 each (he had two of them). :roll_eyes:

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It’s like when you see someone buying all the cheap Disney VHS at a thrift shop because they read online, “Black Diamond VHS tapes are worth big money!” If that were the case then why are they a buck each or less at Goodwill, my friend?


As Mark Twain once said,

“The truth has no defense against a fool determined to believe a lie.”


The worse one of all from my experience at this point…Star Wars figures. Good Lord…people are clueless when it comes to Star Wars action figures and there is no talking sense into them. It’s so frustrating.


My dad got in argument once about Star Wars too… I can’t recall the details but he said something happened in A New Hope but I was like, no, that happened in Return of the Jedi. He argued and argued so finally I just rented the damn movies (it was during Thanksgiving before you know, Disney+ streaming capabilities). So we watched, I pointed out to him… he seemed disgruntled after I showed him the proof he was wrong but yet still wouldn’t admit he was wrong… I just gave up! Haha… Old boomer… Love you dad!


If you ever find the movie “The Chase” on DVD with Charlie Sheen, let me know, it has eluded me for years.


Kristy Swanson in that movie… :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

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Picked these up at a local Toy and Train show. L.E.G.I.O.N. '89 page 5 from issues #4 and #6. Both signed by Mark Mckenna.


I been searching for Dogma for years.

I’m not a big fan of signatures on classic, valuable books for whatever reason. However, when I read a series and love it, I enjoy finding a signed copy. It’s more of a sentimental value add to me.

I just started reading Revival, and I’ve liked it so far. I bought all 47 issues from a guy who was unloading the stuff he didn’t want after buying a collection. And, issue 1 and 47 had sigs from the writer (Tim Seeley), illustrator (Mike Norton), and cover artist (Jenny Frison). Just a cool find. Frison’s covers in the series are great.


Yard sale this rainy morning a few blocks from my house.
A buck each. Couple Newsies
He had tons of IDW GI Joes & Star Trek but I’m not familiar with the keys (if any) so passed.
I don’t even know what the last one is (Ninja named Stan) but none on Ebay so why not for a buck.


The IDW G.I. Joe ARAH 2010 run is a good one to pick up. Like you said there are scattered keys but most books are worth more than a buck. There are a bunch of issues in the 200s that have good value and are not keys. You might want to run back…


Went to a thrift store today at lunch. Found a copy of Last of Us American Dreams #1. It was in terrible shape though and priced at $20. Left it there.

In the spring and fall, Im out every saturday morning around my house for yard sales.

Im quite picky now; unlike previous years and come home with much less. But still good stuff out there. All $2.

Very high grade books


If you plan on moving Spawn 77 please let me know, I’d like to display it with this guy:

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