I Like What You Got! (LCS Finds)

:100: :100: :100: :100: :100: :100:

I am the same way. I despise that CGC company in particular. I think the whole thing is an elaborate scheme/scam, but as long as the benjamins come and everyone buys into it, I’m willing to submit and sell a pile of dog crap to anyone if they’re buying.


First big haul of the new year. Consistent with my collecting goals for the most part. I’ll never pass up a pre code horror. Man oh man…Ingles was an incredible artist (the Haunt of Fear)

So…one of these books was only $5 bucks and would be a comic I think many would just completely pass over/disregard. Any guesses as to which? It is a bit of a grail book for some.
Sometimes, the effort, studying of books, even when they may be something we aren’t necessarily focused on can really pay of. At least that’s what I tell my wife when she gets annoyed by my YouTube videos and books lying around . :grin:


awesome haul :muscle:t3:
picked up some nice books the last couple weeks too, i need to take some pics.

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I wanna say Sorcery was $5…

Young Romance 150?


You got it! Young Romance #150
Had to do a double take as I was flipping through!!!
May be tough for me to be at that find for the rest of the year!

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i often find modestly cool books for super cheap at the only lcs nearby. $55 total. xmen ann 14 is 9.4ish.


Went hunting at the LCS today. Already sold all 13 copies I have initially listed. Going to list some more but I’m keeping a few just in case. Picked up a copy of the 2nd print Ultimate Invasion because you guys told me to.


I am loving the heat on Ultimate Spider-Man and loving you guys making money off it. Good to see a book heat up like it has.


What’s even better is that stores are getting a boost from old and new customers. I’m always happy when my LCS does well, they’re in the business because of their passion for comics not the money. If it was for money they could be in another field making more.

I always thought that marvel just needed a title that is good with a consistent creative team and their sales will sustain and will even go up. Saga from Image has proven that model could work. Marvel needs to stop catering to speculators with their gimmicks and just focus on putting out a quality product.

I’m putting Ultimate Spiderman on my pull list. The last time I had a Marvel title on my pull list is Zdarsky’s and Checcheto’s Daredevil.


I think the big draw for this is people are getting the Spider-Man book they have been begging for. Peter gets the girl and has kids. No mind wiped by Mephisto, no spider-island. The crap that bogged down the original title.

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Yeah, I likely will do the same. I cancelled high republic so I’ve been meaning to give my LCS something to compensate.

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For 15 years!!!

Yes. For 15 years and continues to bog it down.

Remember when Ottley and Nick Spencer were working on spider-man and finally brought MJ and Peter back together, only for the next volume to break them up and then shove that Paul dude into the series?

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Inserting Paul into the mix was about as awkward as having Gwen giving birth to Norman’s twins.


Yep! 100%…Until a few months down the line when this Peter meets up with Mephisto…
If I was writing this book I would have Mephisto lurking all over the place but never do anything with him. Just dangle him in front of the readers to torment them.


Ya’ll refuse to let poor Peter Parker be happy!

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My haul today. Was at a small local con today and not one Ultimate Spider-man was able to be found. Picked up some random stuff and decided to give my LCS’s another try. Found these still out in the wild today, they’re still out there. I saw that the other variants were moving up in price so I decided to grab a couple.


I think the print run was pretty large so I’m sure they are still around in smaller out of the way shops, but we all know this book will be hitting everyone’s top ten and hot lists this week. There might be more late FOMO sales to come.