I Like What You Got! (LCS Finds)

Great cover, shit book


These were actually in a box at a toy store/gaming store.
Paid $11 for all of them.
Man oh man, I was holding my breath while digging that the Nyx #3/4 would be there. Still some good books for cheap.


Original scripts to Aliens 1-6

I had totally forgot I had this. Picked it up from a small book/comic store on Vancouver Island about 30 years ago for $5. I just re-found it in my parents basement with some of my dads papers. It’s about 250 pages, has a plastic dust jacket on the front and is signed and dated by Mark Verheiden.

Q: what is something like this worth?
Q: how many of these are made?


Picked these up today. The UF4 was never pressed. Not even a bad press. Nothing.


That Batman 423 though


Really clean copy. Gonna look it over more closely this weekend.

I am gonna plop this here. Partially a LCS find, partially an online order, and partially a massive score on Bronze Silver and Golden Age (low grade) comics with key issues


Is tape on the spine even considered restoration anymore by CGC?

At the time the book was graded it was. I checked the graders notes and thats what they dinged it for

Snagged an entire Hush run for $12, super stoked about that. I’ll likely always read the story in trade format, but I had to have the single issues. This story rivals TDKR and Long Halloween for best Batman story of all time.

Also snagged this GOTG 5. “First Full” appearnace of Angela in Marvel comics.


Just $12? Snazzy!

I had store loyalty points accumulated. Theyre very helpful!

Hush is hands down the best Batman story arc I’ve ever read.


Frank Miller be staring you down like

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Get that zombie looking batman outta here! Lol

Grant Morrison’s run would like a word!

Almost made it through the week without buying a comic…

But got bored this afternoon and decided to hit an old honey hole (which has recently gone dry).

But found these two book. I like the Web Warriors because it reminds me of the upcoming Spider-Verse movie trailer
with the characters flying across the screen.


I have like four or five copies of the first Female Steele

Nathasha Irons for those of you in Rio Linda

Any of them newsstands?