I Like What You Got! (Online Scores)

Yep here is the rest of his appearance in that book

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4 panels face fully shown two of them full body just about and two arm panels shouldn’t even be debatable.


A cameo is still a “first appearance”… why are we debating this? When you add cameo or full, you’re just talking type… but break them down, a first is a first… of course… of course… no matter if it’s a cameo or full of course… :man_facepalming:



I’ll never forget when “Kaluu” was thought to be the primary bad in the 1st Doctor Strange movie.
One of the Strange Tales issues (I forget the number) literally had two eyeballs of Kaluu and it was considered his 1st cameo appearance. There he was … eyeballs and all.
Next issue he appeared in full story.

I ended up getting both because I didn’t know better.
Then there was Jessica Cruz’s arm in an issue as a cameo :roll_eyes:

In reality I do agree about cameo’s being 1st, but people push definition boundaries for $$$$, and that’s where I draw a line.

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Yup, that’s why I’m just sticking to is it a first? Okay, they appeared. Now, is their first appearance or second appearance more valuable based on actual demand and desirability? :man_shrugging:

It’s why we need a better indicator of intrinsic value for a particular issue like “Issue of Primary Significance.” That signifies that yes, there may be earlier appearances or cameos, but this one is the Issue of Primary Significance that collectors seek out.

Assessments of “first and cameo” are useful when trying to predict what the market will do but long term things usually shake out that people aren’t really looking to collect Jessica Cruz’s arm.

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If the arm didnt have the ring no one would care but having the ring and named drop make it important.

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I was actually sorting through boxes today; picking out issues to sell at a flea market in the Spring and issues to retain.
I came across an issue… maybe Marvel Comics Presents? In it there was a “1st cameo of Spongebob”. I thought to myself how can Spongebob be in this issue? Sure enough, as I thumbed through there he was on the TV while a character was watching TV. I kinda chuckled.
Nevertheless, I put it in my “do not sell yet”, as I’m sure there will be someone that considers this important. I just hope I come across that someone when I’m ready.


The issue I have with that is what constitutes “primary”? Price? What if you tubers and influencers suddenly started pumping the “other” book and it no longer was “primary”?

I don’t see The value in having a definition thats subject to change based on how the current market approaches a book.

Call it what it is.
1st app, or
2nd app, first cover appearance

These types of definitions are facts. Cannot be argued. And they explain why the book has value.



A Righteous Thirst for Vengeance signed for $26 shipped from Collector’s Paradise. Hoping for a good read :slight_smile:


Issue 1 was so good!

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got a vg copy of chamber of darkness #1 for $10 on mycomicshop.
not exactly a seminal series (only 2 issues published :grin:) but i’ll take a decent-condition marvel silver age #1 for $10 any day. it’s also the last marvel #1 of the 1960s, which is the type of obscure detail i love: something i find interesting and enjoy having in the pc but not something the market will care about!

another cool example of a unique silver age issue which isn’t considered a key is journey into mystery #91, the first issue featuring the now-iconic corner box in the top left of the cover. this conclusion is based on its cover date, Apr '63. i know an issue’s cover date doesn’t reflect the actual date it hit newsstands but there are no other marvel issues cover-dated Apr '63 which feature the corner box. so unless there’s indisputable evidence that a post-Apr '63 issue somehow hit stands before JiM 91, i will stand by my findings.

-Adm Snackbar (aka LAND-HO! Calrissian, aka R2-Detour)


“This–this is an arm. Drawn by nobody. It is worth nothing.”

-Comic book guy (The Simpsons S05E21)


This finally came in from tfaw.


All my copies are finally in :sweat_smile: I think they’re all 9.6 - 9.8 so probably pressing them and sending off to CGC this week…


And by the time they come back…Tosin is dead…

Oh wait, it’s Cates that does that to his characters…


but Cates can’t commit to a story, so he sets up the return of his dead characters in less than 6 months.

Like starting off Thor 21 with “There’s only so much darkness one can throw intoe the sun before the star burns black… the light has been infected … slowly evolving … waiting.”

I’m calling it now - the return of Knull is going to be Black Winter 2.0

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Haha w current turnaround times by the time I get em back we might be speccing on Tosins grandkids!

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Been looking for these 2 covers for a while now, happy to add them to the collection