Got this from spiderwebart after seeing their notification email earlier
I had that eyed!
This Thor and the Silver Banshee for the prices; were in my opinion, the best of the bunch.
The Silver Banshee was a VERY detailed piece, but it’s… well… it’s the Silver Banshee.
All that said - great pickup!
That Sway is something special. Thanks for sharing! I enjoy his work.
He has some covers upcoming for the big two.
A lot of you might not know this, but I have one other comic love besides Star Wars in comics: Miracleman.
Yesterday, I went a little wild and bought this page. Miracleman: Triumphant 1 page 18.
You may not have heard of Miracleman Triumphant and there’s a reason for that. Mike Deodato Jr. and Jason Minor were drawing Miracleman Triumphant , written by Fred Burke and it was never released. It was supposed to explore the gap between Gaiman’s first and second Miracleman arc. Eclipse comics folded, though. It was never published.
This page depicts Big Ben and Steppenwolf (“Miracledog”) battling while a reanimated Dr. Gargunza runs amok. You’ll also notice baby Winter and an army of Andy Warhol clones on the page.
Gorgeous ! Im jealous
fairly obscure one here, but i likes what i likes
drawn by marilyn frandsen, it was published on the back of the simpsons season 2 dvd set.
Wow! I remember looking at that picture on the back of that dvd set for all the time as a kid! It was the only Simpsons dvd box set I had actually.
Picked up this Miracleman page earlier in the year, haven’t gotten around to adding it to my CAF page yet. No main characters, but it’s something I remember vividly from my teenage years as one of the first Miracleman issues I read.
I mean, it’s a Buckingham. There are no small Buckingham Miracleman pages.
Jesus. I placed a bid when this was in the hundreds, but this is waaay too rich for my blood. A cool
Piece of Star Wars Comics history, though. The original comic version of Jabba who was later ret-conned to be a simple lackey of Jabba using his name to further his boss’ business:
I thought this was a really nicely done sketch card I pulled. More detail and attention than many I’ve seen. Artist is Lord Mesa