I Like What You Got! (Show Your Newsstand Pick-ups!)

I’d actually agree with this statement. What other Chain bookstores were still open and carrying comics? Only one I can think of is B&N. I forgot when Borders closed up but they’d be the only two.

i think the wording is what’s confusing…glad they’re changing it. It’s real or not. If they were in B&N then state it. Sources are important. When he says its one of the last DC newsstands ever produced, how does he know that? And what are the other books to mark as examples if this is true? Just saying it sounds like he’s stating a fact, when he doesn’t know.


Man, I miss Borders.


I got my copy off a comic rack at Stop and Shop grocery store.

So this claim is completely inaccurate.


Once word gets out about this “sale” a lot of people who did buy a newsstand copy will be sending theirs in for grading. Even if there aren’t tons of 9.8’s out there the population is probably about to grow.

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Yeah, I doubt a publisher would print Newstands for just one retailer in the world. If you even think like that or think it’s a possibility, you are an idiot.


exactly, i’m sure plenty of places had comics but wow never knew Stop & Shop carried them

To show my age, when I was a kid the grocery store rented movies and games!

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Yup, same here. Eckerds was a one stop for just about everything, even your liquor.

My local 7-11 even rented VCR’s. We had comics, movies, and VCR’s. (Girlie mags behind the counter as well)

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My most recent newsies. I’m actually thinking of trading some of my Marvel stuff for a TDKR 1-4 and/or Batman 635 Newsstand if anyone has??

@ToddW is Daredevil Newsstand? In 81 was there much of a direct market that there was a difference?


I Heard alot of positive things about Mycomicshop website however are there any tips for searching for comics? The interface is a mess and hard to find comics. any suggestions appreciated.

Yes, At that time newsstands we’re more prevalent than Direct Editions.


I got a forbidden room too… :wink:

Looks like Sups is doing something naughty to himself. Hehe!

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The “no-no room”

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This is a cover that makes that look tame.


Even Better without the word bubbles…


Ah, Superman in his rarely discussed prison years breaking in the new meat.