I Like What You Got! (Show Your Newsstand Pick-ups!)

I thought I had posted these but guess not…or at least I can’t find it if so lol…picked these up at a local shop. I’ve always known to grab newstand Spawn books when I see them, but I wasn’t fully aware that apparently there a few of the issues that are insanely rare in contrast to the other newsie editions. The shop did know to have these marked up as newstand issues but not marked up by very much at all. From what it seems ( unless I’m mistaken) this issue #69 is really tough to find as a newstand and pretty sought after by the Spawn completist folks.

@ToddW any insight?


50 cents each


Not an awful lot other than the last newsstand issue is #137 with newsstand’s existing for all but 3 of those issues (113-115). The later issues are extremely difficult to locate and the prices reflect that. There’s a very thorough thread on the CGC Forums for anyone interested.


Nice pickups, I especially like the Crimsons and Gen 13 #33 is the true first appearance of the Main characters from Warren Ellis Planetary series. It’s a flip book with a story that predates Planetary #1. The story is included in this preview and collected editions. It’s also in C23 #6, which I’ve never seen in newsstand.

Interesting! Thank you for the link. Made me happy as that link & that expert confirmed the "extra, super, duper rarity of Spawn #69, 70, 71 newsies! :grin:
Good deal!

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After taxes and a 20% discount coupon $40.


What’s the deal with sellers selling a book for $2 with free shipping? Doesn’t it cost more than $2 to ship a comic in the US? So they’re losing money before ebay takes their cut just to get rid of some books? Good for buyer obviously but trying to understand it from the seller’s view.


They had flat rate $5.99 shipping. Which has to cut into profits.

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Coupon? I want a $40 coupon…

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I paid $40 and the savings was $7-8 with the coupon.

I went to a local toy show over the weekend and found a honey hole of $1 comics. I bought almost 600 comics (no bags and board tho) about 500 are late run (2005 and newer) newsstand issues. The stack of Sonic books are all from the Archie series. I’ll post some pics as I go through them…


nice score!


Did you get any of the major keys in the Sonic run? There’s some massive keys in there.

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Looks like only #194 1st Silver the Hedgehog, but they are all newsstand except for #186.


Invincible Iron Man #24 Variant Edition Newsstand. I didn’t realize non-cover As could come in newsstand.





Lovely stuff!


@LanLubber some very nice pickups at crazy prices.

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Thanks man. In my (limited) experience hunting modern newsstands is feast or famine. Either you find 1 or none, or you find a pile of them. I’ve only come across a pile of them twice now since I’ve started looking out for them over the last 4-5 years or so. I reached out to guy I bought these from and he has more, so I’m meeting him Saturday to check out the rest.