Jim Comics Picks

Well, about first appearances they have been. I don’t hate KCC, I just don’t like their approach and style most of the time. It’s misleading when you have multiple titles or issues claiming “cameo or first full”, etc. They’ve also posted wrong info on other issues to correct later on. Seems at times they should do some cross checks before pushing out some “key” alerts, etc. I put KCC at higher standards since they also charge for their services, this is a main difference from some guy with his own youtube channel anyone can watch with an internet connection.

So yes, I think it’s fine for people to point out if they misinform the masses. If they were just doing this for free and not charging it as a business, then I’d say oh well… but I think they’re on another level and I think they have some hidden agendas a times, but that’s just me. I don’t use them, most of the time it’s already known information found here or elsewhere.


But perhaps we should talk about KCC in the KCC thread instead of here.

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KCC is a speculation app. They speculate in the Future Keys section and sometimes they’re wrong.

We’re all guilty of doing this. It’s the very nature of what we do if we order something pre-FOC.

How do they handle it? They put the differing opinions in the listings along with pictures of the debated material for the comics in question.

What’s the problem? What more can they do?

Wrong. KCC is being paid for to pump out information. It’s a beast they need to feed. So KCC will put out anything, even wrong information, just to be “first”.

IDK whats with you today…drink too much coffee ??


No, not entirely true. They’re an information app. They’re just trying to claim “first appearance” and other notable story lines as “key” books along with adding secondary market values to their postings with a link to ebay, etc.

Even their TOS start off with their intent of the app and website:

“Key Collector Comics LLC (“Key Collector Comics”) provides individuals and businesses with a platform through which they can obtain and track information about comics and comic related products in the consumer marketplace. Specifically, Key Collector Comics is a database and price guide of curated information to help collectors identify which comics are valuable or significant to the history of comic books.”

Speculation is found 0 times in their TOS. They are not a speculation app. Users make it a speculation app.

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Alright, let’s talk about Jim and not KCC here. If you want to discuss KCC, join the KCC topic

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I like when I can read through an entire thread and have absolutely no idea who Jim even is. Just some dude Jim?


Aparently, he’s also slim…



Now THAT’s a Jim I can latch onto. Sooooooooo bad for ya; but absolutely delicious. I love that Jim


Oh no, witch cheese too. :cold_sweat:

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A lovely assortment of ingredients that I am going to speculate on and say they’re pretty darn bad for the body. Mechanically separated chicken? wtf is that? No one will disagree with this speculation :wink:


I put Slim Jims in my red bean and rice during the pandemic. Not even going to hate.



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I don’t believe anyone said Jim had a nefarious motive. I stated that he had an agenda. He seems to certainly like comics and is enthusiastic, and I watch his videos as well. But he still has an agenda.

I too have always watched JimComics & have always enjoyed him/the videos…but…it was also clear that a connection was made at one point between him and Nick from Key Collector and that it most certainly created an “agenda”. When an app that costs users real money provides picks that are labeled “JimComics pick of the week” that is information that is going to be generate increased sales and his videos/picks become more than just comic banter.

Since you all watch his videos, then you recall the creators/publisher of Duel sending him some books for free. That is in no way a slight on Jim. He didn’t ask them too, didn’t expect it…but Duel sold a hell of a lot of copies simply because of him (and the subsequent KCC) info.

I in no way think there is anything nefarious, nor did I say that. My whole deal is simply that I find it interesting how Jim (or anyone similar to him) can drive the market simply by bringing something up that seemed to be already well known. As stated, Jim talked about those Ms. Marvel books at length prior to this. Yet shortly after his video…poof…issues start selling. How many more copies of High Republic have moved recently because of him and his videos alone.
So my interest in Jim, and the topic at hand is simply that of the power of social media, FOMO, influencers, etc.
If that was taken as hate or I’ll will towards anyone… wasn’t my intent.


Jim Comics Top Picks For NCBD March 30, 2022

He recommends Star Wars War of the Bounty Hunters Jabba Hutt #1 and Amazing Spiderman #93


That doesn’t make sense. Books, and comic books, have a reread value. You don’t throw out literature and art, regardless of what your intentions are with it in the future, imo. :beers:

He works with KCC to push certain comics. He can make a video and talk about a comic and the price goes up three or four times in like 12 hours. He has got to know that he affects the market.


Of course he knows. Anyone that makes spec Youtube videos does it …for…a…reason.

And he’s pumping a TWIG store variant…smh


I’ve seen 25 TWIG covers so far counting virgins, trade dress, and all the other bs. That book is dead to me. Nothing against the story that I have not read yet. I’m just a cover snob.