Jim Comics Picks

I think it is worthy of repeating that I’ve yet to see anyone “bashing” Jim or necessarily his videos. The “bashing” is more about the state of the hobby and power of influencers as a whole-not Jim specifically. He does a very good job, seems very personable, loves the hobby, and is entertaining and knowledgeable. @davidbitterbaum Of all the varied videos out there, I like his the best by far and always have!

The funny thing is, my wife even has commented a couple of times in the background “Oh, that’s the Jim guy your watching isn’t it?” because…she absolutely can’t stand when I sit and watch about 99% of the other youtube videos and her and the kids make fun of me about my so called “obsession”.

I think the comments and talk about Jim and his youtube program is more of a discussion on the power and influence of Jim and others like him even when they have zero intent for it. It’s an absolutely fascinating study in the power of media influence and economics. No, I don’t believe it is nefarious at all, but it is very smart to think about the flow of this sort of thing and plan accordingly and understand that whether the media influencer likes it or not, they do have the power to influence sales and prices of a book.

If I see a specific post, highlighting a specific book (by one of the primary social media comic influencers) then:

  1. If I don’t have the book and can find it at cover or less-I will buy it. I’ll be a so called sheep if the book is cheap to begin with and I catch the highlight early.
  2. While I don’t really sell much, if I do have the book in quantity, and see the highlight, I’ll certainly prime the pump in case I do decide to. Smoke em if you got em rule applies.

I think those areas and topics can be discussed without folks thinking that is somehow a slight on Jim or talking bad about him personally.


Jim isn’t the problem. It’s the watchers and what/how they react to his “info” that is the problem. Are you a sheep or not? That is the question. Who is Jim’s main audience more than likely? I’d bet mostly speculators. If speculators are buying instead of selling said titles or books mentioned in Jim or any other comic book video, then you’re not a very good speculator who’s doing this for investment purposes I say because you’re already late to the game. If you’re just a collector, buy what you like, you don’t apply.

It all comes back to the golden rule, “buy low, sell high” and maybe now we need to add on… “and use common sense, if you don’t have it or missed out, wait until the next book!”


Such a great point. People chase so many issues it’s comical. If for some chance I miss a hot new issue - so what. No worries. I wait 3 months and it generally drops on eBay to a fairly reasonable price. I never chase. I collect for the long run. And when the long run passes me, my kids will pick up the baton.


I enjoy his videos! He actually has the books he talks about in-hand and is never overly excitable about them. He gives solid information about what’s actually IN the comic - which most YouTubers do not (they just tell you what’s hot or what you should buy).

Good choices are made by the research that you do and what you like. They can be aided by additional information provided by everyone else. I thoroughly enjoy speculation, but I mostly stick to what I like: Miles, Star Wars, newsstands and modern foreign comics (specifically Miles and Star Wars - lol)

Can’t please all the people all the time and I think Jim’s Comics does it right.


Jim Comics Top Picks For NCBD April 06, 2022

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yep, he says death of doctor strange SA is only a cameo cause only the last panel counts, cause the rest are of them playing a video game in different clothes. lol (fyi i buy 20 copies of every SA book, so i dont care which one is named full, its just the bad info i hate)


Incredible Hulk 181 facsimiles are $250 in 9.8….geesh…

Raws Selling for $20-$25 shipped.

If ASM 238 facsimile had tattoos I would grab a copy. Make it a TRUE facsimile, Ariel!

Swing and a miss…

Where do you guys see SA 16 listed on KC? Feels like I’m missing a section

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It is listed on 2022 first appearances.


Thx, was trying to find out what what the hoopla was about

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I know some people believe KCC and Jim got this first appearance wrong because maybe one of the earlier cameos was the 1st app. Strange Academy plus a 1st app is hard to fight.

i thought it was supposed to be the Death of Dr Strange: Strange Academy one shot?


it is, here is the page. jim claims this page is just a cameo cause there playing a video game.
Full page dialog. Talk. Make plans. Interact. Seen/depicted. and Named


Yeah, after the actual story is over, there are one page snippets on each of the characters. He’s there, and definitely at least a cameo, but it almost feels like a preview of the character. I can see how it could be debated.

Edited to add: The Marvel Unlimited app lets you read all of these for a low monthly/annual cost with a bonus of no spine ticks. If you aren’t already subscribed, Check it out so you can reach your own conclusions.


You make a good argument.

Marvel needs to figure out a way to make these NFT’s. Revolutionize comic collecting…welcome to the 21st century.

Issue 2 is the first appearance. Anything else after (cameo, full, whatever) is a 2nd, 3rd, 4th and so on appearance. Now If Howie was on a cover of one of those subsequent appearances, maybe that means something.

But he is not. Until the character spotlight cover.

They have sold many Marvel comic NFT’s on the Veve app. I have a few…

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Probably deserves its own thread…but what is Veve and are these NFTs one of a kind, or have “print runs”?

Are they authorized for sale by Marvel?