Jim Comics Picks

Star Wars Insider #208 (FOC Edition)


Star Wars comics will be the joke when the recession hits :joy:


Or everything else will be a joke and SW will keep on keeping on…


I feel the opposite regarding Star wars comics. With the amount of shows that Disney is putting out and how high the quality of their production is, I feel these SW comics will be good for many more years.

The only thing that would kill it is if the quality of the shows went downhill very fast and people stopped caring about it ala Game of Thrones.


Jim Comics Top Picks For NCBD April 13, 2022

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We don’t have a FCBD 2022 thread, so we?

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I could not find one when I search for it.

I wonder if anyone is buying Sandman Universe Nightmare Country #1? Typically Tynion comics do well on issue one. The 1:25 and 1:50 are not doing well on eBay. The 1:100 looks like it is doing well.

The 1:100 is all anyone wants all the store variants probably didn’t even sell and are collecting dust, but they made their money back from the 1:100s


Yes, the Frison 1:100 is the only one of interest to me. I missed out on the TFAW variant when it was listed. Already too expensive at $99 (TFAW) but would have taken it. Now too high (Ebay).

Also, missed the Shadow War 1 (1:50), and the Catwoman Sozomaika (1:25). The variants go so fast on TFAW. Maybe they will come down in price over time.

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The 1:100 is a snazzy cover for sure. Wish it were just a B variant so it’d be easy to get for my PC.


I read an interesting take on the NFTs. It essentially said that this block chain technology will be very useful in the future for certain things like home ownership (deeds), etc… However, these NFTs that are now being sold, won’t hold any future value. :man_shrugging:

Is there something wrong with paper deeds and title companies, NFT and Crypto are Ponzi schemes. They say they are untraceable and unhackable neither is true.

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Everything we create demand for to come up with a value is all “imaginary” when you break it all down. The world’s monetary system is all fiat, backed by nothing of actual value.

Break down human needs and it’s food, water, air and shelter. Everything else is just wants, not needs and is all imaginary based and a perceived value backed by absolutely nothing that actually benefits us to keep us alive!

> type or paste code here

Agreed, they will only go up in value as younger generations watch Disney+ and parents show their favorites to kids. The comics coming out today will become future grails and many older ones will hold value and gradually go up.

Streaming adds a whole new dimension including the ability to go back to any episode and rewatch it and develop characters through series, which was not previously widely done for Star Wars.


Yeah, you can’t go wrong with owning actual physical assets like land especially in high demand urban land scarce areas, especially with ongoing rampant inflation, global money printing and non-stop international governmental asset purchasing.

Jim Comics Top Picks For NCBD May 11, 2022

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:roll_eyes: smh

He compared Spiderverse #1 to Ultimate Fallout #4



Shouldn’t that be Spiderverse 6?

Still :rofl: but not as many emojis.

This week, there were no comics that he talked about that I found interesting enough to buy. Maybe next week.