Jon Kent comes out as Bi-Sexual

Son of Kai-El #5 still in stock

as is the InHyuk Lee B Cover


Did you actually try to add these? Because they are both now out of stock.

Cool! Always good to see representation.

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Yup I ordered them before I posted.

And FOC is next week?

Always get your copies before you tell everyone else! I’ve learned that the hard way.

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Yup. Secure your copies before sharing

FOC is 10/17 on these.

But FOC hasn’t passed.

I wonder if CHU broke TFAW again…

New servers mean you’re saved login no workie… you’ll have to login again.

I’ve been trying but not accenting my password. And it’s one that’s a fingerprint…

Well, anything beyond the front page seems like it’s not working for me. I wouldn’t even bother until site is healthy again.

Way to go CHU nation. You broke TFAW May n the middle of an upgrade. :crazy_face:

The site is horrible! Can’t order any of the variants. TFAW needs to get with the program.

Let’s not turn this into a tfaw bash session please

As someone who works in tech, an upgrade and or migration never goes as smoothly as planned. Have a little patience and yes, if you got problems with TFAW services, contact them.

I think the issue to get is #2, first appearance of Jay Nakamura


Great call TheOneAboveDonny

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I just checked. If they were out of stock they are now back in. At least it let me order some

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Technically they were never out of stock. Site is not cooperating today. Growing pains.

So, is this leading towards a Jon Kent and Tim Drake relationship?

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