Legends of the Dark Knights

Do we all have to revisit economics 101? LOL I can’t believe people are asking about supply and demand and are in the comic book scalping game. Its like most of the Simpsons comics, I love them and there is a low print run but not everyone buys them so they are practically worthless and almost always in dollar bins. Once equilibrium is surpassed, then things start gaining in value… demandsupplycurve


Thats why legends is so much more expensive than DM 2, because there is a high high demand for Legends and the demand for DM 2 hasn’t surpassed equilibrium yet… Regardless of if its the 1st appearance of Robin King or not, to this point. The variable determining DM 2’s future value is what happens in DM 3, which is uncertain, so it is still sold below book value.

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When it comes to supply vs demand it doesint hurt to have popular Comic characters :sunglasses: and by comic I mean made their first app in a comic not tv show

Yeah, but the major variable that causes their first appearance issues to explode is when they have an appearance in a TV show or movie, Look at X-men 4 the 1st Omega red, it was dirt cheap until they announced that he might appear in the Falcon and the Winter Soldier on Disney+. Not until recently, did the 1st appearance of all these new Modern comic book characters gain steam, just from being in a comic book. (Because we have more speculators on the market now, hoping that they will appear in a TV show or movie in the future). Now days, anyone can make money off a 1st appearance character in a comic because there are so many speculators, because they shift the demand line up in the demand curve.

And when there is announcement of a charactor’s first appearance in a TV show, video game, or movie the demand curve shifts up again… The supply curve stays stagnant because there are only so many issues printed.

There is your economics lesson for the day from Professor Ryan.

There are firsts all the time… Some heat up due to popularity immediately while others grow over time and then like Ryan pointed out… Nobody cares until the character is cast in a show or movie. So yes, firsts are nice to have…if and when but you never know until the market swings in that direction with demand, which can be in a matter of minutes in today’s world of instant news at everyone’s fingertips.

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There’s money to be made in no one caring think My 1st Casey Jones is a 9.8 candidate paid $10 about 7 years ago At the LCS.

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Yeah, Like Howard the duck 1, No one cared that it was the 1st appearance of gwenpool, so demand was lower than supply so I bought all of midtown’s copies last year for $4 and change, with added popularity of the character it is slowly rising in price, once its announced she will be in a TV show or movie it will shoot up in price.

Chasing every first appearance though you will lose more than you gain. There is likely some type of first every week.

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Like poyo said, That’s why you have to chase after the characters you feel will be the most popular, that’s where the money is at. And that’s the fun of speculating.

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Like with Liar Liar, I knew she would have her first appearance in WW 759 like a month before the issue came out because its been posted on Key Collector Comics for a while, but I thought her name was stupid and I didn’t think she would become popular so I missed out on buying the comic below book value so there is no point in chasing the comic now. So on to the next opportunity.

Still cover price at midtown limit one

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There’s not much money to be made if i purchase just one after shipping because I don’t see any other comics right now to that are available from midtown to make money off of for free shipping.

Get the FCBD Spidey that’s going for $7 it’s free shipping covered



Yeah, wtf Ryan?! Got get that book!

Just be aware it’ll take about 3 weeks to arrive. Finally got ONE on my Strange academy 1 2nds today.

The other, ordered 5 minutes earlier from them, is still a few states away…:man_shrugging:

I know I hate I paid shipping $4 but better then purchasing multiples from Zeus comics I’ve never heard of for the same price and not getting any.

Im already getting 2 free with my last 2 orders buying out their copies of batman 28

I threw in a copy of Miles 8 2nd print as it was in my cart.

I just sold off all my Miles 8’s. 1st prints. Because I think the assessor is a stupid character and I made 4x.