Marvel moving comic distribution to Penguin Random House

You mean the excel file online? :joy:

I have seen some HUGE improvements from PRH on their shipping. I received my order this week with 0 damages, which has never happened to me before with Diamond and only once with Lunar. Hopefully not a fluke, but they seem to be upping their game.


They’re huge and I’m sure they “chanced” it originally but will improve overall experience moving forward. I can’t see them just telling retailers to F off or anything…

I’m wondering how much they are spending on shipping 5 comics in a large box, inside another larger box, completely wrapped in bubble. I mean, I appreciate it, but the numbers man is gonna lay the smack down at some point.

For sure. In this same order they sent me a full sized box with a bubble wrapped comic mailer inside for a couple of free posters. They are definitely going to have to do some thinking to make things sustainable.

No Marvel on this week’s FOC??

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I think it’s a skip week owing to the Holidays.


Diamond is down again…

Looks like Diamond and Marvel are both in the running for “worst management of the year” honors.


I knew this was happening…

Oh no… my comics are delayed… queue the “end of the world” song… whatever will I do now? :stuck_out_tongue:


Gonna drive Wednesday warriors bonkers…

Wait, I thought they meant shipments…not on sale dates slipping… haha

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A scarcity of paper in the market, and printing presses available was followed by a Canadian train strike that followed the trucker protests, which all had an impact.

A train strike? Hadn’t heard that one.

Didn’t realize there was a box shortage either.

I live in a bubble, apparently….


The only thing there isn’t a shortage of is bullshit.


There’s no trains in Canada. We only have igloos, Eskimos and the occasional Tim Hortons.

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“please be aware that Marvel is making measurable schedule changes to many comics and collections.”

Well at least they aren’t quantum schedule changes.


You can know the size of the changes, but you can’t know the direction; or you can know the direction, but not the size. You can’t know both.

Having visited Canada I was also puzzled when at a restaurant my chicken tenders came with plum sauce. They said they always did that and asked what sauce we used in America. I said sometimes ranch or BBQ sauce. To this day I don’t know if they were messing with me.

They were :grinning:

Sounds boring. Ill take “get up and do something physical instead of sitting like a lump in front of a screen all day?” For $200 Ken…:wink: