New character Miracle Molly in Batman

Yeah, I can agree with that. Without new characters the blood on these 80-100 year old properties will dry up and they’ll die. You need new beats pumping in the hearts of these books. Not all of them will be winners, but if you’re not creating new characters then you have 0% chance of making a beloved new one.

Gillen created Aphra, Triple Zero, BT, investigator Thanoth, a bunch of Android force sensitive types I can’t remember the name of, the admiral with the robot arm, Queen whatshername who had a feud with Leia, and more I am probably missing.

Aphra and friends were a hit, but wouldn’t have existed if he didn’t take the initiative to create new characters including all those nobodies I can barely name.


I like the following books:

  1. Batman #106 Cover A (cameo)
  2. Batman #108 1:25
  3. Batman #108 Artgerm
    Distant 4) Batman #108 Cover A. I really dont like this cover at all.

Btw she is obviously the Riddler and his gf/assistant Molly’s daughter. :man_shrugging:

I like A… Jimenez art is so kinetic. But the Art Germ is the winner.

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I’m not sure about that Riddler connection. Tynion said in his blog that this Molly and the new scarecrow will be taking center stage in his next year of Batman comics, and that they even have some type of gang associated with them.

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Her gear alone screams “Riddler” to me. Also, anyone who has watched the Batman TV series knows his gf/assistant was named Molly. Tynion may go in a different direction but there are definitely similarities to the “old Molly”.

The 1:25 Federici Batman #108 and Robin #1 are going to be keepers. Too bad everyone is pricing these at $60-$75 pre FOC. Yes, there will be a mad dash to get the 1 copy per at TFAW for $18. My PC requires more than 1 of each though. :joy::rofl:


I just need one and I’m good.

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I was able to snag the Robin #1 1:25 from TFAW so far, hoping for the Batman 108 when it gets uploaded. But imo, id rather bank on Flatline than this new Molly. I love Flatlines character design way way more than Molly, it’s much more interesting to me than a cyberpunk 2077 knock off.

Yep, I agree. Flatline is more appealing.

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Ooh dang, did you guys see the cover to 107, though?

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107 Federici


Jimenez is I’ll. I like that cover a lot. The Federici is creepy. I’m liking scarecrow new look.

I think when Scarecrow is written well he can be a fantastic character.




What’s everyone’s thoughts on this 1:50 artgerm foil variant?

Edit -any long term value/quick flip spec on this?

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Also I think someone said the first cameo of Molly is in #106 I ordered 6 just because I liked the cover so that spec is just a bonus :call_me_hand:t3:

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Yes, cameo in 106 and full in 108 according to Tynion. Bleeding Cool ran the cameo panels (silhouette, then a close up of the bottom of her face… can only tell it’s her by her oh-so-edgy makeup)

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On a similar topic, do we have any confirmation that Robin 1 = 1st Flatline?

Josh Williamson tweeted that Robin #1 was her first appearance.

It’s going be massively speculated like hot first appearances of Batman characters.Remember people were heavily speculating on Ghost Maker? I don’t see any him picking up steam.Miracle Molly isn’t going to sneak up on anyone like what happened to Punchline .We still don’t know if the Miracle Molly is going to be a throw away character or a long term key character. Punchline in my opinion is a better long term character. She’s psychotic and doesn’t give a shit about Joker’s approval . She just wants to see the world burn .Harley Quinn seems more of a sidekick character .Punchline seems like she has the great potential become a major villain boss in the upcoming years because she’s smart, calculated and a cold hearted psychopath.My bold take is Punchline is going to overtake Harley Quinn in the future. She has all attributes that you need in a super villain to be popular.