New Comic Book Day

So I got three from my regular shop two from midtown one other online. Went to another shop I hit on Wednesdays and picked up another A cover and a 1:10. Sold 2 Cover A, another Klein Variant for Ultimate Spiderman. So a good day of sales.


No phone calls about UBP1 or walk-ins looking to read it. It feels like I spent half the day talking to PRH and e-mailing. There’s no official word on if the 12,000 copies are arriving late due to a shipping glitch, or stolen. 1 way means we get a flood of new copies showing up, the other means they’re gone for good or tied up in a police evidence locker for a year. I don’t buy the “lost” option as real. Lost would have been found by now if they had been delivered to PRH. Between the 12,000 missing and all the damaged corners for what did come out, we’re pushing for one of those 1st print reprint situations. Hopefully enough to cover the missing copies, damages from the one’s already here and maybe some extra to fill some of the thousands of post FOC orders would be nice. Hopefully the rep gets back to me tomorrow with some good news for a change.

The other question is with #2 on FOC Monday night, how many to order of a comic it appears no one actually wants to read???


So is this confirmed? Did you get shorted?

I wouldn’t go heavy, for sure.

Not even sure I’ll mention it in my FOC column.

I was able to snag 2 UBP1 As and 1 Bosslogic cover today (I had ordered 1 A cover on FOC). NO BTT3 anywhere. I did get a Thundercats 1A, Batman 142A, Cull 5A, and Thanos 3A for reads. Good day.

I can’t think of many Black Panther issues that have held much value over time. The character’s popularity peaked at the first movie. BP #1 is a very affordable book. Not to be Debbie Downer, but I see this losing legs. If I invested, I would be selling quick. Funny stuff, but looks like Ultimate BP is the next Tosin and Ultimate Spider-Man is the next Miles.


@BED i 100% agree but gonna ride this wave while I can get copies. $90 in UBP sales so far today plus more to sell plus some USM sales as well.


Sell Sell Sell!!!

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Get the money!

my LCS saved me one, they only ordered 8. I liked the story and art so I’ll check out #2.

Agree. My LCS had a stack of them at 5pm. I flipped through it and put it back on the rack. Black Panther has never held value.


Should have grabbed one or two to pay for the weeks comics.


I’d think picking up a cover price book and quickly flipping it for $30 is a no brainer. I would’ve bought a few to sell.


No, just damaged corners and I want clarification on the 12,000 missing books which the 2nd phone guy couldn’t give for sure yet on which it was. He said he’d e-mail back once he had the official version to let me know hopefully today. We’ve got a 10 day window for reporting damages so I’d like to know one way or the other before releasing the 2 store copies. The subscribe to everything ultimate guy finally showed up yesterday. He picked up Ultimate Spider-man 1 A cover, Ultimate Black Panther 1 A cover with the corner tear and 5 other comics from his box and after the 25 % subscriber discount and tax it still only rang up to $27.64 total.
Price wise it appears UBP1 A cover is parked right now in $25 to $27 range buy it now land on E-Bay. I’m assuming by the weekend the undercutting should start setting in walking the price back down to $10 range. I’m hoping the missing 12,000 show up with nice corners making them easier to sell compared to all the flared bottom corner copies getting listed currently. Maybe enough they can fill some damage claims, maybe a few post FOC orders. A full reprint of the 1st print would work towards those goals as well.

I sold three for $30 last night so am happy as can be.

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I didn’t think it would be the case at all (can admit when I’m wrong) but around me, there were zero copies of Beneath the Trees #3? I thought that was odd given the hype and timing as should have been no reason not to up the #3 orders a bit.

Historically speaking, if #1 heats up, #2 might sell some copies but by the time #3 is out, almost no one is going to want to start the series when they can’t get copies of #1. In this case the second print of #1 was also run out the doors by flippers. #2 second print thru issue 6 are pretty much unsellable now normally. People who want to read will wait on the trade or the digital access at this point. If 3 and 4 are still on the shelf with no #1’s, there’s really no point in even ordering #5 and on. Anyone who got a #1 and wanted to read would most likely have subscribed/preordered by now for #3 on if they wanted to ensure availability.

UBP may end up the same way except there will be a glut of #1 3rd prints but if #2 and #3 are still sitting on the shelf because no one actually wants to read the comics, #4 and #5 may get dropped from ordering entirely. Best case is maybe 2 copies ordered, 1 shelf, 1 online store.


I went to 3 stores yesterday and only 1 shop had a copy of BTT3. Issue 1 didn’t heat up right away, it took time for the shops to sell out of it first and comic sites/ podcast reviews started pouring in. I don’t remember when FOC for issue 2 had passed by then.

It’ll be hard for shops to order issue 3 and beyond when they didn’t get many orders in of 1 and 2.

A third printing is out in three weeks though.

Groo, can you wander back to that fantasy land store and buy me the monster stack of unwanted UBP for me? I’ll pay shipping plus book cost. Thanks in advance!