New Robin comic

DC announced it is launching a new Robin series in April, as Damian Wayne looks to sever his ties to both Batman and the Teen Titans.

Writer Joshua Williamson ( The Flash , Future State: Justice League , Infinite Frontier) and artist Gleb Melnikov ( Wonder Woman , Batman/Superman Annual ) will collaborate on the new ongoing series that promises new mysteries for Damian to explore, a new supporting cast, brand new characters and lots of fighting.

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Robins are only good for killing off… :wink:

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Anyone know who the character is on the top middle of the wrap around cover above Ra’s a Ghul?

I assume it’s Jericho because his sister Rose is next to him.

Isnt Robin suppose to have a “new friend” in this series? Might be a new character / side kick? Might be :fire:.

I didn’t even notice there was a character next to Rose but your theory makes sense. I was referring to the character to the right of Jericho, light blue in color with skull face paint and what looks to be bones on their sleeve. I believe it’s the same character on the 1:25 cover.

Side kicks having side kicks!

Her name is Flatline

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I said I wouldn’t buy any more DC books, but they are pulling me back in.

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We’ve got Punchline and now Flatline? What about the worst villain of all, “Cuts in Line?”


What else are you going to call your new line of Batverse villains if you’re in a creative desert?

Here is the Robin #1 1:25 Federici being shown on Previews. I feel priced-out already.

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Eeehhhh idk how I feel about it

That’s pretty cool. Federici does good work.

Id pay attention to the Batman #106 & Detective Comics #1034 backup stories…


106 is on FOC this week

Thats Diamond UK. FOC is 2/7

Buy 106 for the fantastic cover. Any spec that comes along with it is a bonus.

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Soon as I seen the cover art was a 2 copy purchase.

Both the creator and artist, when pressed, stated that she will NOT appear in any way, shape, or form until Robin #1. That was my first thought too when Tynion mentioned he was doing backup stories in those books. :man_shrugging:

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