New Variant Ratios on TFAW

Yes… I somehow missed the high cover price.

Really excited about picking up DC Festival of Heroes the Asian Superhero Celebration #1 1:25! Journey to the West is one of my favorite books, the Monkey Prince appears to be a DC version of the Monkey King from that book (including the staff).

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I grabbed the 1:25 DC Asian Superhero blah blah blah because yea it’s a 1st and DC at least makes awesome animated movies? lol

The character appears to be a version of a major character in the #1 most famous Chinese book. If DC wanted to expand with Chinese audiences that would be a good character to use, Monkey Prince has potential but could also be a throwaway character we never see again.


Definitely a lot of potential with the character in the animated universe. Easy pickup at $19.99.

Kids are sleeping! Wouldn’t mind 30% cart drops before they wake up!

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So you celebrate Asian Super Heroes with a character named Monkey Prince?! I don’t see this offending a whole lot of people and it being recalled. Nope not at all.


Monkey King is one of the most recognized fictional characters in China, it would be unusual for Monkey Prince to be offensive to those familiar with Monkey King.


Way of X #1 - Dodson 1:25

I’m talking about the rest of the world. I guess my point is I’ve heard Asian people referred to negatively as monkeys, along with other races. I’m not familiar with monkey king.

Monkey King was way over powered and a real ass in ancient Chinese literature, hopefully Monkey Prince will be the same. Think a monkey with Lobo attitude amd Superman power level.


For all you monkey haters watch this 6 minute video it will change your mind.


It’s a very famous story and character in China and a lot of parts of Asia. I’m bummed I missed the variant myself since I have a lot of journey to the west related stuff in my office. Whenever I was on an extended trip to China for work I tended to get souvenirs somehow related to it.


Marvel Action Classics Spider-Man #3

Don’t forget this amazing cover is on foc this week😬


I was thinking the same thing.

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And suddenly there is a new contender for worst cover of 2021…


I’m not an emoji type of guy. Complete barf.

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Is Monkey Prince an existing character? Is he a play on the classic folk tale, Monkey: Journey to the West?

Those faces look like they melted.