There’s an X of Swords Destruction 1:50, 1:25, and a 1:10 design variant. All still look available.
Back up sorry other link was bad
So anyone, not even a registered user, can swipe these as they are posted here. Which appears to be happening. Bummer.
I can take it to the lounge. You have to be level 3 or higher to access.
Might not be a bad idea to take them to the lounge at least at first.
TFAW is one of the bigger online comic shops. Most of these variants are small in numbers so they sell out fast. So it’s very unlikely it’s unregistered members constantly refreshing here as they can do that on TFAW’s site as well.
At the time of your post @Bluemetal, there was 17 visitors on the site and 14 of them were logged in…
And not all of them were viewing this topic…
I’d have to look at a lot of back end data to see how many are referrals from here vs other sources, but like poyo said it’s a mix. We get at least a few dozen emails a week asking if we can tell people when incentives are posted, or if we can add X, Y, and Z to someone’s orders for them when it’s available (which we can’t), etc. So the last few months especially as other sites have been increasing prices for incentives ahead of release to match resellers we’ve seen a pretty noticeable spike in orders.
Used to be even as recently as earlier this year we wouldn’t order the maximum for every Marvel or DC incentive because we’d always end up stuck with some in stock that had to be written off…
Also we are not the only site, or group, that watches TFAW. Literally could be anyone, just have to be quick.
Oh and while I’m checking stats @D-Rog, here’s a reason I use UTC for my site maintenance notifications… in the past month (October), the forums had a visitor from 72 different countries. Yes, you read that right… SEVENTY TWO!!!
That or one person with a really active onion router.
So were those Miles Morales PS5 covers like a 1:10 variant or something? Seem to be sold out on TFAW now, glad I snagged a few.
Yup, they were 1:10s
Lounge is trust level 2 or higher.
Currently there are 65 members at trust level 2.
There are 18 at trust level 3 or higher (some of these are admins and moderators).
Trust level 3 you have to pretty much camp out on the forums, cause you can also lose that status if you start becoming less active on the forums.
You saying we don’t have a life? We don’t.
So you’re saying to see the really exclusive stuff we need to spam more?
That would be awesome. Please let me know. Lol. Would love to see if we are blowing out TFAW incentives and variants. That would be tangible proof of why people need to be here instead of those $4 a month groups.
Sorry, those 18 at level 3 doesn’t include moderators or admins.