New Variant Ratios on TFAW

Dejah Thoris vs John Carter of Mars #5 (Cover H - 25 Copy Linsner Variant)
Grrl Scouts Stone Ghost #1 (of 6) (Cover B - 25 Copy Momoko Variant)
House of Slaughter #2 (Cover D - 25 Copy Dell Edera Foil Variant)
House of Slaughter #2 (Cover E - 50 Copy Koch Variant)
House of Slaughter #2 (Cover F - 100 Copy Sook Variant)
Once & Future #22 (Cover C - 25 Copy Andolfo Variant)
Star Wars Adventures Annual 2021 (Cover B - 10 Copy Loo Variant)
Usagi Yojimbo #24 (Cover B - 10 Copy Ba Variant)

Barbarella #5 (Cover P - 11 Copy FOC Bonus B&W Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Homage Haeser Variant)
Invincible Red Sonja #6 (Cover R - 11 Copy TMNT Homage Haeser Variant)
Sleeping Beauties #8 (of 10) (Retailer 10 Copy Incentive Variant) Heidersdorf
Transformers King Grimlock #4 (of 5) (Cover C - 10 Copy Stok Variant)
Transformers Beast Wars #10 (Cover C - 10 Copy Coller Variant)

Devils Reign #1 (of 6) (Scott Williams Variant)
Dune House Atreides #12 (of 12) (Cover D - 50 Copy Ward Variant)
Dune House Atreides #12 (of 12) (Cover C - 25 Copy Torque Variant)
Hellions #18 (Inhyuk Lee Variant)

Star Wars High Republic #12 (Artist B Variant)
Star Wars #20 (Laming Variant)
Hellions #18 (Ngu Variant)
Ms Marvel Beyond the Limit #1 (of 5) (Dodson Variant)
Ka-Zar Lord Savage Land #4 (of 5) (Garcia Map Variant)

King Conan #1 (of 6) (Stokoe Variant)

Black Panther #2 (Swaby Variant)
Venom #3 (Artist Variant)

Why do they have two different listings for the same cover?

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I heard Swaby is the better artist.


Tfaws whole listing system is incorrect lately (even before the update) FOC items are lumped in for 2 weeks at a time then on FOC they update it and correct the proper issues. Idk why It’s been happening but you definitely have to do your due diligence on what they list.

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There’s a Sway and a Swaby? :man_shrugging:

Is it Rico Swaby?


Yessss!! Got it!! Scored another Miles. I was trying since 5pm.

All you people should be doing your pre-orders when I put in my picks for the Previews Highlights… waiting until actual FOC is a bad idea! :wink:

The cover art and most books aren’t even up then. I check the site all the time. I’ll grab add what’s there. Some don’t get put up till later.

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They only list a couple copies during the first round of adds. They save most to sell at 20% off.

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It’s usually well past FOC when I find out what all my Star Wars incentives look like. It’s fun for everybody.

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Just dropped a Miles Morales and a Transformers King Grimlock

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House of Slaughter #2 (Cover E - 50 Copy Koch Variant)

I dropped my Swaby variant for this reason. I assumed that Swaby = Sway and wasnt impressed with the cover. The Previews no. is different though, so I am still confused. Anyway more $$ for another investment. Held onto the SW High Republic 12 Cover B variant (cover unseen).

Still dont understand the Elektra B&W books - cover images for #2 variants are out before #1.(except for B. Sinkiewiscz). Weird !

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