New Year 2023

Going to upset a lot of parrot heads :parrot:.

RIP, Jimmy.




This one hurts… I’ve got an awful lot of memories and great times associated with his music and concerts. :cry:


Sigh…another icon from us middle aged folk is gone. If you think Margaritaville gets played a lot now, you should have heard the radios in the 1970’s! RIP


My father-in-law lived on a boat for many years…buffet was always playing.

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Holy Shit

damn, seriously?

yea :sob: :cry: :disappointed_relieved:

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Man. I just read the story, sad.


So, this one is a little specialized, but damnit, I feel he needs to be here. Let me back up a bit. Back in the 90s, we had a comic shop called The British Papermill in Columbus, Ohio. It was owned by a man named Bill Kazlausky. This place was my first job. Bill had a brother, Tony, who worked at Capital City Distribution. I grew up and moved out of town, but somewhere over the years, Bill outgrew the comic shop and sold it to Tony.

Tony transformed the Papermill into what is currently known as Capital City Comics (named in honor of the distributor) in Reynoldsburg, Ohio. I don’t have a lot to say on this time period as I haven’t seen Tony in almost 10 years. I had been working on a trip just to go out there and say hi since it’s been so long since I’d seen him. sigh

Tony passed away this past Thursday. He was 53.

I don’t really have much else to say. I just woke up and the news of his passing is the first thing I saw. I’m still shook and in shock. The Columbus comic scene just lost one of it’s oldest pillars.


Man, I used to go to The British Papermill from 1999-2000, before I moved. I was a teen back then and mom would take me almost every weekend. The place was great ! :slightly_smiling_face: :smiley: :grinning:

I dont know Tony. Havent been to Capital City Comics. 53 is too young. R.I.P.

Here’s an interview with Tony:

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There’s a good chance I’d know your face then! If i remember right, that was right around the time that Anastasia lady started working there. I left town shortly thereafter myself.

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Possibly. But I do remember there was a guy working there. He had glasses, I think

:sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:


If you like classic rock he was up there! RIP!

Bad year for music.


This one really bummed me out. I was a big fan of his :frowning:

Anyone else hear that Jeff Smith, creator of Bone, had a heart attack back in August? I just heard it.