New Year 2023

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oh no. ahhhh sh&t. damn

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Uggg…RIP Marine…Semper Fi

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Huge Rocky fan here. One of his best performances I think was him on a Law & Order episode… great underrated actor.

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That is sad news but he did live a long life. I have to admit though, I was surprised to hear that his passing was so recent. For some reason I thought he was gone a while now.

RIP, Bobi.


My God, 31? I told my wife about this dog and she asked, “In human years?” I mean, that’s double the normal life expectancy!

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Damn…lost 2 sitcom legends…


I’ll be honest, it’s amazing Perry lived as long as he did, even though 54 is young. The guy was basically a walking Vicodin pill for many years. Too bad, still.


I took Vicodin for a really bad ear infection, I hated it, more tylenol than anything. I popped one every 8 hours as instructed (I had a double, double ear infection, viral and bacterial inner and outer ear) and it did nothing for me. One day it did make me almost pass out, but did nothing for the pain, regular advil worked better.

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That hard life on his heart finally caught up to him. They said he drowned but that was likely because his heart was finally done, some reports indicate cardiac arrest while swimming. I’ve lost two people in my life who had addiction problems and their hearts gave up on them at 40 years old…

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This one’s for you, Bobby.


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Loved the guy. Definitely a “throw-back” coach

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Oh man, that guy had issues. My uncle is a high school basketball coach and Bob Knight use to come to his games all the time for recruitment purposes… I’m just surprised he didn’t get booted from Indiana long before he did, his anger issues were not normal…