Nycc 2023

I remember when people cared about Black Mask as a publisher! Wild times.


Yeah, they had so much going for them and then they went and Wiebe’d themselves…


Tell Marvel and DC not to call their books “facsimiles” unless it’s an exact copy, including the original cover price (no variant covers either), while you’re yelling at clouds.

People can call it whatever they want. They can call it the “Let’s Piss off Agent Poyo” edition, for all I care.

Don’t buy it if you don’t like it.

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A facsimile is more inline than calling something a “bootleg” when it’s not. They are making it exactly how it is despite the price (selling at the original price is not realistic). So it is an exact copy for the most part. But you know, shitting all over my own opinion is worse than one yelling at the clouds… Geez, I’ll stop breathing now I suppose… Sorry for just contributing to the conversation!


I truly do love Marketing.

Use every angle & condition to sell something; tongue & cheek misrepresent it; assume most folks aren’t all that bright - AND watch all your assumptions come to fruition if you do it well

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You used to be more fun…

Well, I read it as being more serious. You didn’t add any smiley’s indicating you were being sarcastic… so that’s how it was interpreted. :frowning:

Yelling at the clouds variants could be fun, I am over foil.


Calm down @agentpoyo and @D-Rog, you both have valid points about how it’s not really a bootleg but how there’s also a marketing element. You’re both smart and beautiful!

Beautiful? Haha… now you’re being funny! :wink:

I have the /251 of that book individually numbered for ECCC. I love that book and such a great memory for getting it directly from him and only at the con.

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Cant wait to see 200+ copies of the DoT bootleg flood Ebay in a 3 day timespan…



I learned in the past if you’re going to the convention to flip stuff, you need to secure it quickly and list it immediately to get top dollar. Once the flood gates open, the prices start to drop as undercutters gonna undercut to make the sale!


Everything is foil foil foil foil. Guess it’s let’s beat foil to death train.


Anyone have a Journey into Mystery 85 they wanna sell me? I wanna get one signed by Tom Hiddleston sig series at NYCC. any grade is fine.

Also I’m going to a dinner with Michael Golden, Lenore Zann, and Arthur Suydam if anyone wants signatures.



Foil is going around NYCC faster than a VD at a 1970’s Grateful Dead concert


90’s gimmicks

whats next ?

oh yea, die cut covers…

maybe embossed covers later ? holofoil ? mail-away comics ???

I’m out on them all… I’ll stick to regular comics please… The only thing I’d go for is if they switched back to news print paper along with some dot matrix style printing ink to cut costs by a buck or two on books.

Stop all the variants as well… and particularly the ratio variants…


Mailaways were the exclusives back in the day. I loved mailaways.