Pull me back from the ledge! DCeased #5 is not in July Previews

I just realized there’s no DCeased #5 in the JULY Preview!!!

How can they do that???

You can’t let us read #4 and then make us wait 60 days or more to find out what happens next!!!

They’re going to Bendisize it, I just know it.

I don’t want a side series with Booster Gold. Just finish the story on time!!!


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This might even be the delay that puts #6 out after Halloween Comicfest instead of on the shelf to sell when we’re handing out a couple million copies of #1 for FREE!!!

How can they be this stupid??? This really is the Year of the Villain and I think he works in DC’s front office!!!

I noticed this as well then saw the Dceased A Good Day to Die #1. Is this just a tie-in to the original mini series? I wasn’t sure if this was just a spin off or replacing the existing series.

So do you believe they’re just skipping a month then #5 will be offered in previews?

I’m only asking as I’ve pre-ordered the first 4 issues and don’t have any interest in a spin-off if #5 will be offered later.

I have no information on issue #5 other than it appears to be delayed and how devastatingly cruel that is after seeing what happens on the last page of #4 Wednesday!!!

What could they possibly do with a group of secondary tier hero’s that could top #4 or be worth an extra month or more of suspense and potential lost sales due to delays?

On a smaller level this is what killed Doomsday Clocks momentum. Few people other than the regular subscribers who started the ride back in November of 2017 will still be seen picking up issue #12 assuming it even makes it in the door THIS YEAR!!!

I can’t think of non spoiler ways to express how huge the last few pages of #4 are!!! That’s not a place to go on vacation and leave the readers hanging. :scream:

I just had an even more horrible thought. What if they’re Walking Deading us and #4 is the LAST ISSUE!!!

It can’t be, say it isn’t so!!!

That would be awesome. Leave ‘me wanting more!


Maybe we can still save Anthony in time and stop him from reading the advance pdf of #4 in the DC e-mail Wednesday.

STOP, FREEZE, you’re better off not reading it until you know there’s an advance out for #5!!! Don’t even spoiler post flip through it when the paper copy arrives!!!

I have no idea what’s going to happen in #4 but you’ve piqued my interest. I just added two more copies (A & Mattina Var) to my preorder.

The series itself is a great read and the best selling thing from DC here right now. It’s outselling Walking Dead here by a long shot to walk ins. Many people are getting multiple covers which is unusual here also.

Spec value though is pretty slim in the short play game due to excessively high print runs I expect. #2 is the one I believe has the most chance of a price increase the soonest and that might not be until November when 2 million or so new people who hand’t read #1 get home with their FREE Halloween Comicfest copies of #1 and run back to the stores looking for #2.

Longer term I have hopes for a second bubble up in price around the time an animated adaption comes out.

If you buy 4, just drop it in the read later pile. Wait until you have #5 or if DC releases an Advance PDF for it, your store has a copy you can peak at. (You can also go ahead and hang Joker and the earlier B’s up thru Halloween as part of your holiday décor. https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/JUN190490 Just resist the urge to read it until you have #5.)

Cover for #5 released.

Cover to #6 released.

Nice. Looks like WW is here to save the day. Diana is such a badass.

The top selling comic from Marvel Comics was Black Cat (2019) #1 in slot 1 with an estimated 255,709 units and for DC Comics was DCeased (2019) #2 in rank 2 with an estimated 152,407 units.

Look’s like DCeased #2 only dropped off 90,000 copies from #1’s 242,000. Black Cat was incentive and Qty/Ratio Variant loaded so that one’s no surprise putting up large #'s. That makes DCeased #2 DC’s 3rd largest printed book of the year behind Detective Comics 1000 with like a dozen covers and DCeased #1.

I’m sure u will see the same numbers with absolute carnage and Spawn 300. Both have multiple covers. It will be interesting once those numbers come out.

Don’t forget Marvel Comics 1000 is in the same 30 day period as Absolute Carnage #1. I’m expecting DCeased #3’s numbers to drop again like most title’s #3’s, especially with the card stock cover bumping the variant prices. The only question is will it stay a 6 digit book or not. At $9.99 and a 500 Qty variant out there as well as 24 covers to pick from Marvel comics 1000 should top Absolute Carnage #1 in $$$ sales. The question is how many stores can afford to chase both over priced comics the same month? I went with Absolute Carnage due to early customer requests for my blow the wad for the month book but late requests are making me think Marvel Comics 1000 might have been the better seller in units and the better spec book. What ever happened to those 30 days before you have to pay terms for #1’s they kept offering last year? This is the month it’s needed!!

I feel like people are more excited for carnage than they are for a knock off 1000

I think the Carnage Venom fans are but non Carnage/ Venom fans seem to have no interest in the event here at all. I’m getting bundled orders for AC.

THIS IS THE BIG ONE! In celebration of Marvel’s 80th Anniversary, we have gathered together the greatest array of talent ever to be assembled between the covers of a single comic book! Names from the past, from the present, and even the future! Every page is filled with all-new work from this cavalcade of comic book luminaries!

Sounds like it should have a broader appeal, something from everyone for everyone aspect.

There is a mystery that threads throughout the Marvel Universe - one that has its origins in MARVEL COMICS #1 and which unites a disparate array of heroes and villains throughout the decades! What is the Eternity Mask, and who is responsible for the conspiracy to keep it hidden? And what new player will make their startling debut as these secrets are peeled away?

Spec potential as well. I’m expecting nothing spec in Absolute Carnage.

I’m also thinking the $9.99 price keeps other spec buyers chasing AC but when’s the last time Marvel delivered anything of spec value in a #1 for a series or mini? #3 maybe, sometimes #2 but they figure they’re going to sell a ton of #1’s anyway so the hold the best for later issues. It feels like MC1000 due to the price needs something to give it that extra push to get ordered so maybe they do what they took the time to say they were going to do. Bendis did leave after all so unfulfilled promises are now a DC thing.

Living on the edge!!!

Hmmm. All I can think of is Secret Wars #1. First appearance of Beyonder.

Best book there is #8!!!

Even number 1 there they let you know on the cover something Ultimate Menace like was inside and look at all those cool heroes screaming buy me!!! Allow me to quote MC 1000

Featuring the entirety of the Marvel Universe of characters!

Same get a bunch of heroes in one book feeling.

They tried with Major X but fumbled the ball into Spider-Man Deadpool 47 and Deadpool 10’s variant by Liefield himself.