Robin King 1st App?

Well, obviously they’re not going to kill him. He makes DC money… DC like money… DC wants more money! :wink:

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Did you cop any of the 1:25 of legends, poyo?

Dude Wally merging with
Batmanhattan would be nutty. Def a good book to make sure you preorder, for sure.

I think legends being a one shot and having a lower print run than the DM books is intentional. DC like to put those firsts in lower print books it seems.

Ok question for you guys since you say they put surprise in lower print run books etc is this a possible new “hot” character

Did I buy any 1:25 of Legends?

They don’t put surprises in lower print runs… it just happens surprises get overlooked in books that weren’t heavily ordered. :wink:

Ok I get that so basically it goes to overlooked under ordered books.

What book to pre-order?

I got JL #54 on my pull already. JLD as well.


Not sure why Key Collector is already claiming 1st appearance, yes, the solicitations mention the new character but this is a pre-order and this character could show up in one of many other Death Metal books coming out before or around the same time this one shows up…

The one thing I know after all this is that I will 100% support Poor Boy Comics from here on out. Amazing packaging, already received both copies and with this book, held to their price on a hot book.

I actually just phoned the owner and let him know how impressed I was. They will get my business in the future 100%. Very nice fellow.


I couldn’t agree more. He was VERY good to me. Super nice guy!

100% agree on Poor Boy. Got my order and was very pleased.

Do you know the print run ???


I wish people would stop claiming they know things that they dont

Yes props to The One Stop Shop too they got me my books first out of all my preorders for legends 10 copies arrived today and all shipping out tomorrow already sold.


Print runs are determined by how many copies retailers order. So whose intention is it?

Imma add to the Poor boy love. Got mine today I’m in NY

Why? DC wants to sell as much product as they can. I have a hard time thinking they would intentionally print less. Most if not all books are printed based on pre-orders, then likely they buffer that to accommodate damages for replacements and then some wiggle room for additional orders.

We the collectors are the ones who care how many are out in the wild. If DC could sell a million of them, you better believe they would print up a million to sell… They focus on quantity, not first appearance or collector value… If they ship 100k books, they’re still making likely a dollar on each. If they ship 50k, they still make a buck each. If they sell 10 million, they make a buck each. The revenue for books doesn’t change per each book…

If that was true they would of advertised Liar Liar in the book she first appears in not one a couple issues later with a 1:25 variant. If you look at the major DC 1st appearance books to come out the last 10 years many are surprises.