Sell those Venom #3's ASAP

Comics are just cycles of stories. Look how many times Thanos has died. One could argue he got his ass wiped with relative ease at the end of End Game (twice too, head chopped off and then in the last battle), but all stories have to end to move on to the next.

Oh Iā€™m sure he knows about him. When they look at the sales numbers for their comicsā€¦ ā€œSo tell me again, how is Venom topping the sales charts when heā€™s never topped the sales charts ever before?ā€ :wink:


Probably not currently, theyā€™re still trying to figure out how to make Fantastic Four and X-Men redeem themselves (and cool again) after they took them over from FOX. :wink:


You guys think that economics in comics guy is crying rn?

Nah, heā€™s too busy making poop emoji memes.

Venom 34 spoilers Flash Thompson comes back

Everytime he looks in the mirror or watches his own videosā€¦ yesā€¦

For real? Theyā€™re back?


Agreed, but if Harry Potter all of a sudden became a Griffin on page 10 for no reason, nobody would have bought book 2. You can only push your audience so far so fast and your credit worthiness for big twists, fake outs, and gasp-inducing reveals is always limited.

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Now THATā€™s the twist we all want.



Frankly a lot of people on this board are mad at Cates because of failed specs, not his writing.


This pleases me. I like Flash as Agent Venom and hope we get more of thatā€¦


It is quite ironic for meā€¦my venom 3s are wrapping up grading and about to head back my wayā€¦

His happened to me with Naomi #1ā€¦got 5 9.8s back just as the spec on that tankedā€¦now I wait until she makes her live acti9n appearance to move someā€¦

I never got into Harry Potter but if that happenedā€¦ I could get behind him turning into a Griffin. Sounds more excitingā€¦

In most stores the main villain dies. I do not get why anyone is surprised that Knull dies or that someone (Dylan) loses their powers. Things like this happen all the time.

In the next story who knows what can happen. There is a good chance of Knoll returning and Dylan regaining his powers. I bet that Knull will show up in the movies in about 5 to 10 years. The story isnā€™t over yet.

I have one Venom #3 3rd print graded at 9.8 and 5 Venom #4 graded at 9.8 and some other Knull related comics that are graded. I have about $50 or less invested in each them. They are a long-term investment. I will sell them off whenever Knull appears again or on the screen. Even if I double my invested it was still worth the risk.


Thatā€™s a big conclusion to draw. Gorr wonā€™t have anything to do with Knull in the MCU YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST. If Iā€™m wrong Iā€™ll be happy I have multiples of First Knull and Dylan so Iā€™d love for them to hit cinema. I just donā€™t think they will.


No he doesnā€™t care. He likes the spec game and is tired of Cates Schtick but itā€™s no skin off his back.

Iā€™d argue itā€™s both.