Spec: Batman X Fortnite Why you should pay attention to this book

I ordered 40 of issue one and 20 of issue 2. I think I’ll try sell 20 of issue 1 right away to pay for ordering the other issues.


lots of ways to play this spec. I do like that the issues will be released every 2 weeks instead of once a month.


Once issue 6 is out I’d like to have 10 complete sets to sell I think.

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Have you guys probed your kids about this yet? Mine is telling me that the Fortnite player base has shrunk considerably and is mainly comprised of 10 year olds now.

He said he quit playing a few months ago so his info may be lacking. Talk to your kids and report back! :slight_smile:

My niece and nephew are 11 and 13 and were excited about this, so was a co workers kid when I told him I’d give him a copy.

Good input. Keep it coming!

I also did some checking on the player base before I ordered any and it has definitely shrunk but it’s still massive.

I have two 20-year old who actually mentioned this series before I found it as a topic here. “Shrinking” player base is a relative term. It could be possible that your kids are simply not interested anymore. Yet, that is a small sample size. :wink:

Realistically, how many copies of this book will there be 75k-125k? One only needs a fraction of the players to be interested to make this a profitable spec play. These are only $4-$5/ book. Skins are $10-$20 or more each, the 7th skin will be the driving force for set sales.

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The FOC date got pushed back, so more people have an opportunity to order it now. FOC on previews is 3/28 and lunar is 3/14.

Yes, 1 more week of open orders. Most shop owners are allergic to ordering things that they don’t understand, most are much older than the target demographic for this particular miniseries. imo

I’ve already seen a lot of shop owners and employees talking about how awful this is and how it’s ruining Batman and not taking into consideration that it’s good to try and get Fortnite players interested in comicss…


Ding! Ding! Ding! Yes, crossovers are meant to encourage fans to explore each property.


Here is an excerpt that is promising:

We defeated him! A record 15.3 million concurrent players joined forces in our biggest event ever to fight back Galactus in today’s in-game event, while more than 3.4 million cheered and watched on @YouTubeGaming and @Twitch! pic.twitter.com/IAcNpcPKEwDecember 2, 2020

The fact that I’ve had comic fans argue with me in our stores that it’s bad they’re trying to get 10 year olds to start reading Batman blew my mind. Comics need young people to start reading them and caring about them beyond the movies and shows if they want to survive…


Obviously, the manufacturers understand this. This is the reason we are seeing new iterations of old characters and or many new characters (teenage characters) being introduced. Over the next decade Spiderman WILL be Miles Morales, the majority of teens and young adults will connect with him, not Peter Parker.

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Do people in your stores ever talk about the stories? The people at the shops I frequent seem to only care about appearances, covers, and resale value. Even a store owner told me “People don’t read comics, they sell them”.

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Yes all the time.

Fortnite had crossovers with DC, Marvel, John Wick, Terminator, Alien, Predator, Street Fighter, Stranger Things, Halo, Ghostbusters, Borderlands, Star Wars, Walking Dead and GI Joe. The amount of collaborations and crossover is insane

I talk about comics I read in the store about as much as I talk about selling them.