Star Wars: Ahsoka Disney+ show

I kept thinking of the gladiator with the gold mask from, well, Gladiator with Russell Crowe.

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Excellent film

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Okay, so 

While I appreciated his demeanor as Thrawn, I was disappointed in his appearance as Thrawn. HOWEVER, as I sit back and think about what the world he’s on looked like it offered, maybe that should have been my expectation. I’m sure dry-cleaning is a no-go on Dathomir (that is where they were right?), but the witches seemed to be well presented and crisp. I don’t know - am I over thinking it?

I need to re-watch the episode.

Notice how his uniform is tattered as well. This is 10 years after rebels.

I’m thinking the troopers with the red wraps are indeed undead troopers re-animated. Enoch may be the only trooper to survive. Notice how some troopers are moving what look like coffins around
like maybe more of their brethren being brought to where they can be brought back by the night sisters.

The gold trim on the uniforms is also has japanese undertones as kintsugi (repairing broken pottery by mending the areas of breakage with lacquer dusted or mixed with powdered gold)

This episode was a bit slow, but there are a lot of cool nuggets throughout.

I thought it was pretty cool how Huyang, possibly the oldest droid around, begins to tell Ahsoka of a story a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away. Nice touch.


To end the cycle of the rise and fall of the Jedi. I think he seeks the power of the world between worlds to control the future. Palpatine wanted that same power.

I’m wondering if he’s going to die by the end of this season, being the actor is dead
he also mentions training his daughter to be something bigger than jedi vs sith. Foreshadowing the torch to be passed on eventually.

Don’t really want the character recast for the Mando movie.

No, they were on Peridea, which is outside of the known Star Wars galaxy. This episode, I believe, is the first time we have traveled to a new galaxy in canon and possibly even Legends. There have been mentions of other galaxies, but no-one has traveled there. I think the closest we got was Rebels during the final montage, but that was in the Unknown Regions of the SW galaxy.

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He is quite full of himself. It’s possible he sees himself as taking on the role of the Mortis Father, with Shin Hati as the daughter and Ezra as the son. He brought Sabine to find and use her as leverage.

He mentioned there was a great power on the planet - one that the witches were fleeing. He may know something that has yet to be revealed. I believe Peridea is where all the events that take place in SW lore were to have started when the witches left the planet and settled across the new galaxy. It would be fitting for him to think a new beginning starts where the everything was suspected to have begun.

With that said, I think Anakin has taken on the role of the Father and is now a Mortis God.


Great insight - thank you!

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On a side note


Big ole “meh” to that finale
I likely set my expectations too high

I also need to realize this show is simply a chapter/bridge to m a much bigger story & that makes it much better.


I really enjoyed it. Season started a bit rough but the last few episodes were great.

[quote=“Awakeintheashes, post:328, topic:4190”]
He is quite full of himself. It’s possible he sees himself as taking on the role of the Mortis Father, with Shin Hati as the daughter and Ezra as the son. He brought Sabine to find and use her as leverage.

Game day bucket to boom.

This spec didn’t age well


I felt lord of the rings vibes in the last few scenes of the show.

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and her 1st appearance is next week issue

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After Ahsoka, a new Goonies-esque show is next. Skeleton Crew takes place after the events of Return of the Jedi.

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Just coincidence they referred to shadows in the starlight at the end of Ahsoka?

season 2 will be called
the book of
search for more space whales

Oh ya, they forgot to pre-book the round trip. Will take some time to catch the next flight.

I was referring to the new High Republic series “Shadows of Starlight” though.