Star Wars: The High Republic

where’s the filoni being sold?

I don’t see a store listed but it isn’t actually by Filoni. It is just an homage to his cover.

It is still cool though and I will try to pick one up when I find out what store it is.


An homage of TCW which is an homage of ESB. Double homage!

I like it though. Can’t find who has it though.

The clone wars homage variant is a CBE exclusive… whoever that is

Also apparently Mutant Beaver Comics. How many stores are sharing this cover for cripes sake?

(4) Facebook

Sadlemon states print run of 600 with COA. It could be 5 stores with 600 each for a total of 3000. :man_shrugging:


Yes, they can do a COA all the want saying Sadlemon only had 600 but we all know the minimums for Marvel… :wink:


Also also The Comic Mint will have the same cover

The Comic Mint | Comics Shop By Fans For Fans

I just don’t see how any of these covers beat cover A and the Hans variant. They’re already great covers :man_shrugging:


yea I am not getting any of the store variants

Have we found out where the Filoni homage is exclusive too? I feel like that one will be the only store exclusive that is worth it

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That is the one that I want as well. I sent a DM to the artist but he has yet to respond. Someone above mentioned it was a CBE variant? No idea who or what that is. Maybe a convention exclusive?

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I see CBSI posted on their ig that “it’s from our friends at CBE”. Everyone being so secretive to try to score the lot of them. My guess maybe it’s comicselite?

They also listed it as “our friends at ECB” on another IG post. :man_shrugging::joy::rofl:

I will be sure to post if I find out any additional info. I would love to grab one to pair it with my cgc 9.6 CW #1 Filoni. I sold my DH100 cgc 9.6 a year ago. :man_facepalming:

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Personally any store that’s saying the run is less than we KNOW Marvel requires is one I’m not getting any exclusives from even if I like the art. Just can’t trust the numbers.


I mean even if it’s a print run of 3000, that’s much lower than the regular covers in almost all cases. I agree 100% be honest and upfront about the actual numbers or you lost me.

From CBSI. Emphasis mine:

If you didn’t catch it, the guys teased that they are giving away a new exclusive from a new company next week right here on the CBSI Hot 10 Show , airing every Friday night at 11(ish) pm EST.

More details to come on this new company and the gorgeous variant, stay tuned to as we have the exclusive news on this wild Clone Wars #1 homage!!

Lol wow, that screams like a setup. Get ready to pay $60+ for 1 copy from “New Business Company that totally does business like all the time and is definitely not a CBSI shell company”. Ugh

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I work at the business company. Doing business.

