I don’t have hard numbers, but I would suspect that there are more shops doing these now then there were at any other point I history. And those shops are doing them much more frequently now than ever before. It may of pushed some out, but overall the program is busier now, and more expansive and diverse, than at any other time before.
We can debate hypothetical numbers all day, however, it really is beside the original point. And that being, that I feel these store variants are hyper inflated in retail value. Whether it costs a shop $2.80 per book at wholesale, or whether it’s $5 per book at wholesale. Cheers, Tony. It has been nice to read your input.
Not shilled at all. I ended up paying for 1200 out of the 1600 # 1’s that I bought by flipping those CBE’s.
Something that I think people are missing here is SWHR # 2, # 3,SWHRA # 1 and so on, were/are more heavily ordered than SWHR # 1.
And on top of that, they all only have 1 COVER.
These are not going to be quick-flip books. I believe long term they’ll be good because of the first appearances, but I think it could take a year or more before you see any real appreciation. Unless we see some Disney+ activity before then.
My thinking is, since these issues only have 1 cover, the store exclusives that have first appearance covers will end up being very sought after both short and long term.
I’ll probably come to regret selling the CBE’s as I could see those books demanding ridiculous amounts of money in the future as this new era of Star Wars matures. I think they’ll make that video, since not enough time has passed for them to actually do so yet.
They said very clearly that they would do so 30 days after shipping the final order to allow for returns of damaged copies. We haven’t exceeded that amount of time yet.
"Each order will include a reader copy from the excess print run and including it minus part of the cover to eliminate it as a complete copy from circulation."
So, they could have provided the proof already of the exclusive copies they claim were in excess as the “reader copies” they were sending out. So far, I’ve seen zero evidence and this is something they could have already provided.
Also to note, I’ve only seen those who purchased copies or sets get a book with the complete cover removed, not a missing partial of the cover (I’d anticipate when someone claims “minus part of the cover”, that means they’re cutting off the UPC or similar, not the entire cover). This would prove they’re destroying the excess copies. If they’re removing the entire cover, like mentioned previously, these could just be extra copies of Regular Cover A they bought to send out as “destroyed” copies… If these are indeed destroyed copies of their actual exclusive excess as they claim, they could release the proof now, which they have yet to do and so far are not actually doing what they claim they were going to do.
Anyone out there who bought sets tell us if they got partial covers or was the entire cover missing for the supposed reader copies?
The entire front cover was missing. But, the back cover of their exclusive is completely different from Cover A, B and C. So they’re definitely not doing that.
What do you have to say about that @Venomismypassion ? You’re claiming one thing while someone else is claiming what I thought was occurring. Also, it still goes against what they claimed, “part of the cover” is not the entire front, back or both. They should be more transparent in what they’re actually going to remove if you ask me. Now we have zero proof on the reader copy @ComicSpec obtained is not one of the actual exclusives… unless they show us video proof of all the destruction down to leaving just the remaining 600 of each cover they claim is and will be the exact total in the world…
I’m still smelling bullshit… and I think you’re now giving them way too much credit as they’re now already caught with lies.
Back in the day, newsstands would cut the logo off books for return and trash the rest of the books. These are known as 75% cover newsstands, and there are a ton of rare books with 75% covers for sale on eBay (older books)
And we got one confirmation of a buyer who says the entire cover, front and back was removed. I’ll wait on more proof but they’re already gone against what they claimed they were going to do. So, one lie, 1800 lies… does it matter now? I doubt that was the only reader copy with the entire cover removed, thus not providing the proof it was indeed their actual exclusive cover. The whole point of removing “part” of the cover is to leave enough to prove they destroyed a copy, which they have failed to do.
Anyone else out there that ordered willing to tell us how your “reader copy” showed up?
My brother and I would always see the books behind the Walmart near our house with the front covers torn off in the trash bins. We’d still skim through some if there were any worth reading, picking up a few. Who cares if the cover is gone as long as the rest of the story was there. We’d read and then toss them or give away to anyone else who wanted to read.
They said they’re going to record “every” step of the process. So I think it would be just to give them the time that they stated they needed to do that first before jumping the gun.
A large portion of their order came damaged or with Comic Mint’s logo on the back and they had to wait for replacements. It hasn’t been 30 days yet accounting for that.
Which I’m awaiting but if you read what they stated in their “transparency and process”, they still lied in sending out reader copies with the entire cover, front and back removed, not a portion of it as evidence that the excess copies were used and that’s part of the destruction process.
So, ignore the facts if you want, they’re now caught in a lie that they need to explain if you ask me. There’s no ifs or buts now… people getting reader copies with entire cover missing is not proof you destroyed books.
I’m done arguing though, I’m stating facts that goes against what they’ve claimed was their process. So yes, I don’t trust them until they send rock solid proof there is exactly 600 copies of each cover in the wild and all others were properly destroyed.
why is this even up for debate, every store the pulls this “limited to” bs always ends up dumping copies at cons,ebay or other sites. if you want to act or be stupid and believe their bs so be it. just stop trying to spread the lies