Star Wars: The High Republic

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I can’t wait for Darth Krall to give me the speal.


@drunkwooky - and others I have seen some large numbers being bought for hr #7 and others (hra#2, etc)

Assuming these characters end up on screen in live action - does the demand typically outweigh the supply when you have 50+ books.

Sure you can get rid of a small amount easily - but how about volume?

I guess it comes down to print runs and a lot of factors, but still curious about some generalizations

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Supply vs demand + availability.

It’s all games. If speculators gobbled up multiple copies before the masses found out, when demand kicks in, if everyone rushes to sell off their copies making the availability easier, then you’ll see after the initial FOMO pre-sales drive the price up for those who think they’re not gonna be able to score a copy or find one, you’ll start to see the prices drop if the market is flooded. Then over time after people secure their copies and tuck them away… if the demand stays consistent or continues upward, as time goes on, supplies and availability start to shrink and you’ll see demand cause the value to go back up.

So if you got 50 copies and you wanna sell them all, if you dump them all on the market immediately, you can cause the exact opposite by such flood of issues being available. If you can hold and think it it has legs long term, you can slowly release them to keep it steady and consistent, maybe holding a few copies for the really long term after you’ve paid off your initial investment and made a bit of profit as well.


I’d echo what Poyo said. If we’re being honest, none of us truly know. My best guess is a steady appreciation curve though. There are comics out there with giant print runs (Spawn 1, ASM 300) and equally giant demand to have them. Having said that, there are more people paying attention to Star Wars comics now than ever. So, it’s not going to be an Heir to the Empire 1 (first Thrawn) or Clone Wars 1 (first Ahsoka) situation where everybody all of a sudden started paying attention and bought up books with relatively lower print runs from decades before. When these characters enter live action or animation, the ratio of print to demand will be much closer. It will take longer for these to appreciate to that level. They may be $20, 50, 100 books, but not $200, 300, 500+ in the next 5 years.

At this point HR7 is past FOC, so any new interest is getting a slice of the pre-set pie, ignoring reprints. So, there’s that going for it at this point.


I finished The Rising Storm tonight. Man, I’m all in on The High Republic. I love the idealistic portrayal of the Jedi and their dedication to just trying to help people and actually be heroic. The action really ramps up in this second book as well.

I think The High Republic is going to be a winner in the spec game (long term) and it’s a winner in terms of story quality. Can’t wait for the next book!


Did I miss the discussuon on *The Monster of Temple Peak?

I see it was chatted about in April - thought maybe some action since it is a first full and some good spec?

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I think we will be seeing more of Ty Yorrick throughout The High Republic. I would definitely pick up a few issues and file them away. I think she could be a character to get a TV series down the line. A monster hunter Jedi would be a great way to introduce the non reading audience to more of the High Republic Era. Who doesn’t like a monster hunter right? Lol

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One would think, in your given scenario, that the Jedi would ‘feel’ a disturbance in the force if a Sith was present in the galaxy. :man_shrugging:

The Sith work in mysterious ways… or can block such things. Look how long it took them to figure out Palpatine was a Sith Lord in the first 3 episodes and they only found out cause Anakin told them after Palpatine told him he knew the ways of the dark side. :thinking:

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So The Monster of Temple Peak really only has 1 cover, no ratios, and no exclusives?

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I expect a 1:10 like they’ve been doing for Adventures.

foc is tomorrow, if there was a ratio it would have already been announced

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Maybe it’ll be a surprise one… but yeah, usually at least retailers know about it in the Diamond system. I like the fact there’s no ratio… makes the issue more special if you ask me.


I have not seen a ratio variant pop up for this one, and have been keeping it on the radar since ya’ll posted about it awhile back. Still nothing today…so I wouldn’t expect there to be one.

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IDW publishing means you have a better chance of getting a NM book over Marvel toilet paper. I think stores may not go heavy on this one without a ratio and SWHRA #1 is still cover price, common, and available on Diamond. Easy buy for me :slight_smile:

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I’ve seen IDW send out some junk though from the printers. Anyone recall Canto #1 first volume? Those were damaged prior to actual humans touching. There’s been others as well but that one stands out as the most recent. At times my local shops would have a lot of IDW books with spine ticks and such. So as their cover stock is a little thicker, they still have their woes as well.

There is no 1:10 even when u type in the alternate numbers on previews nothing comes up. That’s how I find ratio covers before they’re revealed.

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The SW IDW one-shots and 2 issue series haven’t been having ratios. Weapon of Jedi, Smugglers Run, etc…

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Given no incentive this might be a really good spec book

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