Star Wars: The High Republic

Let’s set it up! I get all the ratio variants, though. Sorry. You’ll need to buy into my patreon for ratio variants.

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Welp I got one copy of Cover A in person today from the lowest key shop in my area… basically my first purchase at that shop ever… and it is a 9.8 candidate for sure. They had more copies for the taking (cover A only) but like dude before me said - karma.

All other shops held copies for their subscribers or for themselves.

Got 3 As, 2 Bs, 2Cs, and one of each incentive on deck via online orders. Hoping those pull through and in good shape. :pray:

And now time to read the book. :raised_hands:

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So now that we’ve all secured copies in person or online - quick flips now or hold?

Bought enough to do both.

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I always try to flip enough to cover my costs and then hold the other ones.


If you watched the livestream event on Monday, you will know what to do. :wink:

It’d be a huge conflict of interest for me. The minute I have a Diamond account, that’s the minute I go hush hush and don’t share any spec, spoilers, etc. :wink:

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That’s what you did… that’s why you don’t agree with it. You’re secondary market flipper and seller with a diamond account. :wink:

I buy and hold. None of this flip nonsense. Been collecting for over 40 years and has worked well for me. Kinda like stock day trading. You make a quick buck but lose out on the longterm trend.


Hit up the shop today after they put out new books (delayed), grabbed their last two Hans variants and a regular, plenty more available on the shelves from A and B, all minty fresh. They didn’t have any of the Bosslogic of Momoko for Eternals so I passed on those (since I pre-ordered a copy).

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That’s why you buy three quick flip and long term potential

Also, I was standing in line once where the person in front paying was complaining they were limiting books. The owner straight up told him, if you don’t like our policy, feel free to open up your own business selling comics and you can do whatever you want.

But this is different though. Jacking up prices as a wholesale buyer on release day is frowned upon if you ask me. That’s why I say, if you’re a retailer who wants to play the secondary market game from the get go on release day, you can do so by dropping your account and standing in line with the rest of us paying full cover price, not half the price directly from Diamond.

Agree or not, still doesn’t make what they’re doing right. Stash a copy or two for yourself to sell on the secondary market if you have to. Limit customers to 1 per if it’s hot so people get a chance at them… if a week goes by and you still got a hot book on the shelf, then by all means, jack that price up.

Retailers who bitcch and moan that they gotta pay bills as their excuse are lame, will always be lame and don’t deserve to be in business. I hope they sit on those books and inventory they can’t sell cause all their doing is destroying this market and industry by playing games due to GREED!


This is what I did. I have already shipped the 3 copies I found in person today but have my online orders coming as well as (hopefully) my copy at my LCS if they didn’t order too late (regardless, I have a bunch coming).

I think I will send in half of my High Republic regular cover order and all my ratios to CGC for grading. Roughly 20 books for longer term and will see how the sales go on eBay once the flood hits. I might end up just buying more if the undercutters push prices down. This #1 has firsts and will do nothing but go up with shows and movies and comics to flesh out their stories. The Acolyte is confirmed for Disney+ and $10 for one of the regular covers is likely a bargain right now compared to a year or two from now.


I tossed it out before. But several reasons I decided not to do it. The first problem is there is a bit of a conflict of interest in a speculation site also being a retailer. Like I am trying to guide you in to buying products from me. In other words, pump something so I can dump it on you guys. Second, if I get shorted copies I don’t want people to think I am dumping them all on eBay at inflated prices and screwing you guys out of your copies. Third, effort vs reward. So if for example I offered books cheap. Say a $4 book. My discount would be 40% (just estimating, $1.60) then I have to factor in bagging and boarding which costs about .20 each. Bringing the profit per copy down to $1.40, but I want to give you guys a discount so even if I gave you 30% off ($1.20) I’d be breaking even and not get compensated for my time, so let’s knock it down to 20% (.80 cents) then I would have to pack them and ship them out (mailers cost me .45 each) and cost of ink, paper for labels, getting all the packages to the post office, and other work that has a cost to it. Honestly I do not want to be a retailer, rather buy for $4 and sell for $20 or more than buy for $2 and sell for $3.20.


Imagine how much High Republic would be going for if every spec site didn’t talk about it pre foc.

Nobody would want it as badly, so it’d probably be cheaper… :wink:


But seriously Jared, stop the nonsense talk…


I’d rather buy for $2 and sell for $20!

Exactly why there’s a big difference from a flipper/speculator over a retailer/wholesale account. Retailers buy and sell in large volumes and quantities while speculators and flippers pick a select few titles or copies, buying at full cover or even maybe over cover, hoping they can sell at profit.


Retailer buys 100 copies of $4 book at $2 each wholesale. If they sell all 100 copies at $4, that’s $200 revenue.

Flipper/Speculator buys one of those copies at $4 because it’s limited or they don’t want to go heavy on the title, sells it for $20 and makes $16 revenue.

Online retailer has to pack up 100 copies (that’s only if they sold individually to 100 different people) while flipper only has to pack 1 book they sold.

Do I want to be a retailer? Heck no. I’ll keep my day job and buy and sell a few books a month to use to buy more books. My hobby pays for my hobby (and some vacations when I save up).

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