Star Wars: The High Republic

In ordered 20 copies of Thor 6 from them. They bag them in bulk and box them up ok. Only one copy had slight damage. The rest were NM+ or better. No complaints but yes they cancel 99 cent orders frequently…so it’s a gamble but if it comes through great for you!

In my experience , if you order before FOC they fill the .99 orders. It seems they are slow to change the prices after FOC and those .99 orders placed after FOC are subject to cancellation. :man_shrugging:

Shipping is a flat $7.50 if you choose the once-a-month option. If you order 9 different titles that release different weeks, and choose weekly, they will ship what they have each week to you. So, you get 4 shipments with that higher rate. You can also order back issues and have them wait until your next pre-order ships to save on shipping.

I was floored at how quickly they ship. I essentially got my order day of release. I was worried about packing, but I had 22 books arrive, and all were NM/NM+. That was my only order with them, but it was an A+ experience.

I’ve been ordering for months from Westfield. The no bad and board thing worked me but all my books have arrived in excellent shape NM or better. Large monthly orders too. Last one was 93 books. I ship monthly with them. Amazingly fast shipping too!

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Yep, I have had orders billed on a Tuesday and arrive on Thursday the day after release. I buy bags and boards in large quantities so it is much cheaper than what other places charge to add b&b. However, there is a something to be said for the convenience that comes with books that already arrive bagged and boarded.

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I just got notification from ups that my bulk order of 99 cent star wars high republic adventures 1 shipped and will be here Friday.


Here’s a cool thing: Charles Soule misses Cons so he listed personalized book plates for High Republic for $10.00.


What exactly is a book plate?

Printed cardboard signed by the author that you can toss in your book. But Book Plate sounds nicer.


I thought they were sometimes stickers you put on the inside of the front cover.

Yeah. Sometimes that.

Nothing to do with high republic but I had to share this
‘Meesa Jedi must come to dark side’


He did impersonate a Jedi in Clone Wars Anime. It was kinda cool seeing him in that robe. Seeing him in the Dark side, now that would be cool

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Pretty cool…Dar Darth Binks

The only way Jar Jar could redeem himself. Go Dark Side

How do you know he didn’t already? Who called the motion for Palpatine’s emergency martial law powers on the senate floor?

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Jar jar is pure evil. He a highly trained drunken fist master. I seen the evidence.


I’ve gotten through both #1 and #2 now, as well as SWHRA #1. I… liked HRA more than the the main HR series. I didn’t dislike HR, but I don’t know, I just liked the HRA story better (also, aside from forehead Yoda, the I prefer the art style in HRA).

Right? What better way to hide your evil acts than being “clumsy”

A bunch of ratio variants went live:

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