Strange Academy

Jesus man, I was just trying to think of things that makes Disney+ change the game a bit when it comes to comics and speculation… I think you’re over analyzing it a bit… :wink:

There are a lot of factors for sure. But I got back into comics because of Walking Dead, whether it was on AMC or on some streaming show, one show might yank someone in, it did for me back in late 2012 and early 2013…

I don’t think I’m overthinking it.
I believe I’m merely thinking about it.
'changes everything" is a bold statement. I just want to hear the thinking behind the claim. :+1:

I believe that sentence, partially, shows my point.

That’s where I think you’re overthinking it… you’re taking the words too literal in my opinion. I read the changes everything but I also know there’s plenty of other factors involved, I think the op does as well…

And yes, Netflix started streaming long ago and there were a few Marvel shows which changed a bit of speculation for some characters/titles but I also think since Disney+ has a plethora of comic related characters along with Star Wars, with them now really starting the process of coming up with original content (like the Mandalorian), we’re gonna see a whole lot more action on the comic speculation side of things.


And the keys from those books you speak of are worth insane amounts of money.

Disney+ enables Disney to produce shows that normally would not justify a $200 million movie being made.

It changes everything.

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Yeah, I would agree. If the shows are done right, they can produce far more than the yearly big blockbusters with budgets minuscule in comparison…

???..I didn’t speak of any books.

There are 9 episodes of WandaVision.
Each episode cost approx $25 million to produce. 9x25=225.
Does making a show that cost $225 million to produce justify not making a $200 million movie instead. That logic doesn’t hold up.

I see you like to speak in absolute hyperbole. Duly noted. I digress. One can’t converse with one who has his fingers in his ears.

Guys guys guys!

Disney+ has been around for 15 months already. If it has changed anything yet, then it never will. 15 months, they should just retire the channel already.

Sure you did. Super hero movies, MCU and Star Wars. To anyone with a brain, that would mean keys from those franchises.

So that means they have to spend that much for every show?

Pot kettle black…

But imagine if Avengers End Game which was 356 million USD budget was not 3 hours long but 10 hours long?

In comparison of screen and production time, 225 million now is minuscule in comparison when you look at it in production time compared to a big blockbuster film.

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It has though… I contribute Mandalorian with all the new news coming out of Disney Investor creating this new craze for Star Wars comics…

Is it a complete game changer? No, like I said before, plenty of other factors.

Also consider Disney+ kicked off and never really got started when this pandemic hit, halting a lot of shows and production.

Smh. What a lazy, crass, assumption

You need to expand on that thought. I believe it has wholly missed any point.

Please show where I spoke in hyperbole.

This is like talking to a wall. You speak in hyperbole and use adages that are not apt. All the while showing zero substance to your claims or thoughts.

Why is it so difficult to have a conversation with someone where they don’t get childishly offended if you do not agree with them? :sheep:. I digress.

No point in having a discussion with someone who refuses to put any thought into what they want to say. If you can’t, in simple terms, express your point clearly…then did you even have anything of substance to say in the first place?

I’m not disagreeing with anyone, I’m simply asking you to show us your work, so to speak. You can scream and shout all you want that the answer is 5, but if you can’t show us how you got to that number, then can we really believe that you came up with the answer yourself, or did you just see/hear it somewhere else?

I treat people the way they treat me. You come off as incredibly argumentative. I’m going to be the big boy and just walk away. Have a nice day.

True, Netflix has been around for a while but they never had a huge competitor driving them to make more content.

Now we have 11 new Star Wars series in production and additional feature films, Pixar TV shows and movies, more Disney content upcoming, and a ton of announced and unannounced content for Marvel. And they didn’t even touch on Predator, Aliens, Indiana Jones, Terminator, Avatar etc.

I have seen quite a few people who got back into comics because of the MCU, and new collectors as well, catching up with TPBs etc.

So far, for Star Wars, not so much before the Mandalorian, but since then, I have seen quite a huge interest in comics and even toys and statues in my LCS and chat groups including new members and customers. And this is all before the launch of the 11 new TV series or feature films.

Did you watch the Disney investor day? They have so much more content in the pipeline, and you can bet that Netflix will panic and pump out content at a much faster rate. I would not be surprised if they somehow tie up more with DC to fight Disney.

Meanwhile, movies haven’t even been out and all content production has been stopped for the majority of the past year. There is going to be a huge tidal wave of content that is going to hit in the next few years, I think it will be hit or miss, but if you throw 500 darts towards a dartboard, a few should at least hit the board.

I totally understand your premise that Netflix has been around for a while but now there is going to be a huge fight between the Juggernauts and consumers are going to benefit from the slew of new content in the near future, which should drive additional interest in the comics and books they came from.


Well said, and well thought out, @Ravager. It’s nice to see someone put some real thought into their opinion. That lends a lot of credence to your point, imo.

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They way I see it. This is my opinion so if you disagree I am not going to argue about it.

I started getting back into comics when I started watching Netflix and Disney last year. The way Disney has planned the new Marvel tv shows to tie in with the movies is a excellent idea. Once this virus is finally gone you will have this platform of a never ending story line. If it is done right you will have the tv shows developing the characters and story into a huge main event movie. This should result in more people being interested in comics.

I think that Disney will do this with Star Wars too. The Mandalorian show has saved Star Wars for me and many other fans. I do think it will be a game changer for comics starting later this year if the virus does not continue to slow things down. I noticed this last year when they started announcing their plans with the tv shows and movies. Now hopefully interest leads to value for comics. That will only play out over time.


I honestly predict that Netflix will ultimately come to an end. That’s my bold statement. It will continue to run on fumes because it has been a part of our society for awhile, but I just can’t see it sustaining. They continue to raise costs and there hasn’t been any reward for that increased cost. Neftlix is horrible outside of the ability to binge watch old shows.

That is where I believe Disney + is a “game changer”. It will force these other services to adapt or die (with some dying as there simply won’t be the financial/resource ability to adapt). HBO max is superior to Neflix and has some things going for it that can compete with Disney +. I don’t believe Netflix can say the same. Banking on Mark Millar properties isn’t going to do it.

A couple of other thoughts-
Disney is smart to release episodes weekly (versus how Netflix releases whole seasons at once).
Disney is smart to create series and show in episodes that make sense without “making them” a certain number of episodes. Netflix tried to make everything longer than it ever needed to be (usually about 13 episodes). I recall many complaints about most of their shows being far more episodes than were really needed.

Again, maybe Netflix can adapt to this sort of thing.


I wonder about this too. The fees increase so I can be rewarded with Bollywood movies or some Finnish movie with dubbing. WTF? I too think Netflix is in a corner.

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My wife will likely disagree with you. She finds all kinds of things to watch on Netflix that I had zero idea about or cared to think or search for. I think their numbers will drop or level off over time but they’ll find their niche subscribers while Disney continues with the comic related and kids stuff…

It is certainly fun to watch the companies that changed the landscape as the first fall but I think Netflix is gonna be around for quite some time before they fall. All it takes is one hit show or a few to rope people back in.

It’s truly a war of original content for streaming providers… those who end up with the best shows will rule out but there will always be competitors in this new streaming market. What I think will certainly happen though is cable and satellite will start to die off faster before any of the streaming services die off…

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@agentpoyo I guess my question is…would your wife find all kinds of things to watch on anything else regardless? I mean, I can find all kinds of fun and entertaining things to watch even on Youtube, the CBS free app, etc, etc. Is there a particular genre/item/series that she feels is on Netflix that couldn’t be found elsewhere that makes the subscription price worth it? That is the angle I’m coming from. I don’t feel Netlix has any form of niche that makes me think “I just can’t do without it”.

My father spends the entirety of his day watching Netflix movies and callling me to to tell me about Mutant Beavers and such (He’s 80). He’s just used to Netflix at this point. However, he would watch the regular old tv with rabbit ears all day long prior to Netflix. Reruns of HeeHaw, Mutual of Omaha nature shows, etc, etc. He’s just “used” to Netflix so it has become his way of life.

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