Superman: Son of Kal-El

Really? Can you link? Cause if they are, that’s just a bummer if you ask me. We need more diversity not only in comics but everything.

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Ah, nevermind, looks like they kicked him off for issue #5… bravo to DC.


Super-family making all Sorts of news lately…

Good… he should represent Earth’s interests, not just America’s…


I remembered reading and hearing that motto for the first time and asked myself what is the American Way. Kind of alienating and “huh?” moment for me.

Well, Superman was created around WWII so of course we Americans were a little narcissistic in our ways of thinking and since then for the most part.

'Merica… cause F yeah! We’re the best! :crazy_face:

He has always represented Earth’s interests. American’s have always been known to never leave anyone behind. That’s what that phrase means.

I guess changing the motto makes sense now though. With what we just did in Afghanistan we clearly don’t have that value anymore.

America is not innocent. We do like the pander that we’re the good guys but go look at all the crap we criticize others in doing while we’re doing the same thing ourselves. For instance, go look into what America has been doing to Haiti for many moons… it’s not good…

But we should probably go back to just talking Superman Son of Kal-El… this could lead into some political nonsense that just turns to a shit show…


The art in that issue is a tragedy. I dunno if the artist is bogged down by deadlines but i can see in some parts that he can do better.

art would have been finished like 2 month ago. most interior art suck these days. except for people like jamal campbell and a few others

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Ha! If true, I wonder who will handle it now. Colors make a big difference overall.

“Also of note, the previously solicited simultaneous second printing of Superman: Son Of Kal-El #5 has now become an additional cardstock cover for the first printing…“

I haven’t seen where it was ever solicited as a 2nd print. I think they made that up.

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diamond listed it as a 2nd print for like 2 hours than changed title to cover C cardstock. here is a screenshot i took

So it was listed in error as FOC of the first print was a few weeks out. Otherwise makes no sense.

Diamond would never make an error. They are a flawless company.



“Superman: Son of Kal-El #1, the debut issue of writer Tom Taylor and artist John Timms’ Jonathan Kent saga, returns for a third printing, Superman: Son of Kal-El issues #2, #3, and #4 will each receive a second printing.”

“The Superman: Son of Kal-El #1 third printing will arrive with 1:50 ratio variant! Orders of any of the four new printings will qualify for this incentive variant.”

A 1:50 3rd print :roll_eyes: The levels of exploitation grow higher month by month. I felt guilty buying the 1:25 2nd print - I just keep giving in to the man!

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DC removed the CGer and recolored the entire interiors for issue 5.

New colors by Hi-Fi at the left side against the previous colors at the right side:

I like the right better but they’re mouths are awful… what happened to their lips… I’m pretty certain at this angle at least we should see Sup’s lips on the right side of his face… unless Jay is sucking them entirely into his mouth…

His mouth reminded me of this scene in Matrix…
