Tales of the Jedi

So for us simpletons. The magazine to have is 15 for sure. Any others?

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Yes, Cutting through all my chaff, DHI 15 is the one to have for Arca, Ulic, Cay, and Tott.

I’ll keep going through them all, but so far there’s not anything of note in 16 or 17.

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I have DHI15 and it’s comic size not magazine.

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Thanks DW! Comic size…. Plot thickens

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It’s comic dimensions. It says “comics” 3 times on the cover. It says Tales of the Jedi “strip premieres” inside.

Advertises the premiere of two new series inside.

This is an anthology comic. With some previews and magazine style columns inside.

This is why I don’t like the magazine/comic distinction to begin with. Where do you draw the line? Is it a magazine when there is a “Stan’s soapbox” in it? What about adding in a preview? Does that make ASM 365 a magazine?

Is it merry dimensions? Can we just have nothing but comic creator interviews and previews in a comic size book and make it not a magazine?

You see the problems?

Seems like 15# is a bit of a ghost on eBay. Recon people will start dusting off old boxes soon? Would like one for the pc

Whenever I ask my LCS owner for Dark Horse Insider, Dark Horse Comics, or Dark Horse Presents, he just throws a thumb pointing towards the unbagged quarter boxes. No, those bins aren’t organized.


There was a bunch a week ago I think one guy had like 40 in stock for a couple bucks each.

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Yup when the info hit here I checked and there was a ton of them for cheap as @drunkwooky stated 14 days ago. Doesn’t take long and after the info was posted on CHU I started seeing it on Twitter/Instagram as well. I waited and missed out on those cheap ones that were listed.

I luckily have one in my pc. If the prices keep going up I’ll have to sell it.

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Got them all in GN Format

(Thank you Stimulus $)

We’ve discussed most of this already, but here you go:


And my guess…going with the same format as Visions, Tales of the Jedi will be new stories, new characters.

So people buying up the old Tales of the Jedi comic series is laughable :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

From my article: “Keep in mind that Disney and Lucasfilm can and have deviated wildly from previous Legends stories. This new animated anthology may be doing little more than lip service to the name of the comics. However, we have to work with the info we’ve got.”

I mean, those who are sitting pretty are the collectors who bought these in the early 2000s for $0.25-$0.99


ey YO!

GO AWay… You are Retired right now…

You can’t be OBI 1 here all the time… :slight_smile:

Give the little one a big hug from UNCLE CRUZZER …


It’s looking increasingly like I retired from social media.


Self care has to be your #1 priority — but we still value your expertise and humor when you have the spoons for us.

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Agree. Other than the name, I don’t see a connection. With that said, sell them if you’ve got them. But, I wouldn’t be buying unless it’s a decent first appearance or you can find then for pennies on the dollar.

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:slight_smile: Good for you to stop by PAL