TFAW Preorders

I’ll see if we have any update on those. I thought I saw them coming in the shipment this week but I may be wrong.

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It was the invoice for NEXT WEEK I saw them on. But as of now it does appear Diamond is sending all the replacements. So unless they just forget to include them in the boxes again, they should be going out next week or whenever your next pre-order is.

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Is that across the board for incentives? Still waiting for my 1:10 to ship from Playsanity.

I don’t know what happened with other stores. I just know our incentives were all missing from the original shipment.

Good luck with Playsanity. I cant deal with them anymore.

They are a last resort when all other shops have sold out, for sure…

Daredevil #26 connecting covers

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I feel like I should find it hokey, but for some reason, I’m really digging it. The, “King in Black,” in the top-left corner kind of hurts the linking-up of the covers, however.

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The could have mirrored it.

You are correct…now I cannot unsee it…

Yeah, it’s pretty bad…also the upc symbol messes it up.

Someone better get fired for his screw up.

I just read this when I was going to post something about this week’s delays and have to call shenanigans on you! The new site was only live for a little under a year at the point you posted this!

Anyway, to save myself answering more PMs, this week’s Diamond shipment was delayed due to storms, Christmas, and general mail back up. Fedex told us they won’t have the freight shipment that our delivery is part of until after Christmas, and we won’t get it until Monday (most likely). So pre-orders were processed for Dark Horse + DC, and othre pre-orders will be processed next week when we have the actual stuff.



Wow, you were late on calling me out on that one. Yes the site switched over for about a year, but didn’t know if it was an option before the site switch over or not. So still… I have been using TFAW for years and never realized that is a perfectly valid statement. Do not make me get Kyle on you!


Pffttt… Where do I send my complaints too… this is unacceptable. You need to call Fedex and Diamond and demand they get you the comics by end of business today… I need reading material for me week off next week… my vacation of reading comics is now ruined, all TFAW’s fault… it’s all a conspiracy to ruin my vacation.

Is that a good enough complaint, does it almost top those covid conspiracy theorists complainers you’re getting or do I need to swear more?

If you can get FedEx to deliver everything on time you’re hired.

Sweet, do you pay more than @Anthony cause he’s been promising me a pay raise from my $0 an hour since like 2016…

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Legally we do have to pay people more than $0 an hour, yes.

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Haha, thanks. This answers my question about why I got my pre-order processing note without two books I expected in it! I’d set up my number of books to get up the Gemini packaging, and now I’m under that threshold, so I’m bummed there, but oh well.

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I raised you from $0 to $0.00000 just last year, always complaining man. Thats 6 figures


Wait a minute? You mean, @Anthony has been breaking the law? Oh man… he told me he’s still paying off the chains…