TFAW Status


I’m not getting back on those rails! It’s too liberating being off!

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It’s likely just protection for the site. If you got a few bad apples that will make the site response time for others come to a crawl and such, then yes, you should prevent that. It’s almost like ddos protection in a sense.

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I had to stop ordering from them; just too much of every problem. It doesn’t appear their business model will ever change.


It I get kicked after flipping through a few pages of a single sewed. Something’s wrong.

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I could really go for some Ozzy right now. CRAZY TRAIN—ALL ABOARDDDDDDDDDDD!


That’s what I think. I think whatever they setup and configured to keep the actual bad apples out is not functioning properly.

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It’s not an issue of blocking people looking to buy. Starting maybe a year and a half ago (or so) lots of people started running scrapers or refresh bots non-stop on pages to get notified when variants came in stock (like on Mondays there could be thousands of different IPs refreshing dozens of pages each multiple times a second). So they added some level of protection to help prevent that, because it was making the site awful to use for people. My guess is the new update had some settings that needed to be changed or a new plugin/software needed to be used to prevent the bots, and it just got set a little too aggressively.

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Well, I get what you are saying but when I am halted from looking when trying to purchase after maybe three or four searches and then I am locked out for ten, fifteen minutes, forget it. Maybe if there weren’t so many other issues with TFAW I could look past the inconvenience sometimes, but I am just tired their constant poor service toward customers including myself. It’s just too much and too often with them and they literally don’t seem to care one bit.

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What’s what we’re saying though, sounds like they’re having technical difficulties and shouldn’t be blocking someone like you casually browsing. Something sounds misconfigured.

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That’s what I said. Something is wrong!:stuck_out_tongue:

Did they charge payment yet for pre-orders this week?

Yeah, they charged my card around 4 eastern time.

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Awesome. Thank you

No problem. The weird thing is that I didn’t receive an e-mail from TFAW telling me the order had been processed. I only got an alert from my bank so I went to TFAW and there it was listed under my orders.

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They also f***ed up their search function. Here’s the result for a search of ‘Amazing Spider-Man #14’ - there are 809 results!'Amazing+Spider-Man+%2314'

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The search has always been awful and was often my biggest complaint. Don’t use quotes and it will be better. If you try to search like Google, you won’t get good results most of the time.

I don’t use quotes and it’s still the same. I noticed it a week back or so, pretty much just pulls up all results it seems.

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Looks like in this case it’s the #. In general any symbols will break it.

Nope, I leave the # out as well, still 809 results.

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