The Book of Boba Fett Specs

Hoping for the best man…I would endure all the sickness for my kids if that were an option. It’s rough.


I hope he feels better! His video is great! He has more skills at having multiple cameras going than I do. I barely can stream a Whatnot without messing it up and he’s got dual cameras and good lighting and all that. Love the name too.

Also, how’d he do that speed-up trick when he assembled stuff? I really need to learn more video-making tricks. I subscribed to show support!

It’s all done in apple movies. They have options for fast motion video.

He made the logo in the background himself. It’s two pieces of ham from his yummy world stuffed Lunchable. (It’s awesome) he did it on the iPad taking the picture, colored in the background, and added the text. He is very creative. He is the smart one. My older boy is the jock.


Hope he feels better in a hurry!

That video was better than any I have done…he has talent! Maybe that’s my problem…hmmmmm…

Thanks for watching guys. He is asleep. They are going to do an IV as he is severely dehydrated.

Cute video, hope he feels better

I’m sure he’ll be better in the mroning, and I hope the rest of the family gets some rest too ! He’s quite natural and creative in the video. I guess he’s using your setup; you’re probably helping him with the editing.

Take care ! Good night !

Never a good time when the little one gets sick. Here is to him getting better fast!

Tony, this is me to a T and I feel for you and your family. I hope that your son feels better soon! Perhaps it’s some form of food poisoning?

He tested negative for covid. Also negative for the flu. They have him on an IV as he is severely dehydrated. Has a fever so they are running labs to see what viral infection he has


Good luck with everything. Prayers sent. Definitely a rough night for the both of you. Hopefully by the time you read this you are in bed and getting ready to sleep until noon!.. the both of you!

Yikes. Really sorry to hear this. I hope he turns a corner ASAP.

Sorry to derail the thread.

He is better this morning but not 100%. They put two bags of fluid into him. Dehydration. They are trying to figure out what caused all the stomach issues that caused the dehydration.


This. I really do not care if I personally get COVID. I care deeply if Layla and Penny get sick.


Not sure where to post this, but Screen Rant always provides a good laugh with their unfamiliarity with Star Wars canon. Acting like Dark Disciple never happened/doesn’t exist.

One page.

Also, they make it sound like she’s still kicking around. That and ignoring Dark disciple

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Ok. I found it:

People are saying it’s this:

I’m going with a solid maybe on that. Even if it is, not sure what significance they are trying to convey. Those Jedi happen to be fighting in a hallway next to her bedroom? Not much to go on. Kind of a Mephisto Wallpaper situation.


Oh my gawd… Luke is also Human… just like the shogun executioner in the 70s film… total ripoff!

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