The Book of Boba Fett Specs


You mean the author had never heard of Lone Wolf and Cub … that’s hilarious that they think that’s “news”. One of the best selling manga of all time… the same one that spawned 6 movies, 4 plays, and a TV series. Oh, THAT Lone Wolf and Cub.


Must be a slow news day. I thought it was obvious star wars has always borrowed and referenced old western and samurai movie. The jedi being pretty clearly meant to reference samurai. Did they not watch mando season 1 and 2 which are is basically Lone Wolf and Cub in space lol

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They’ve never exactly hidden the fact that The Mandalorian is simply “Lone Wolf and Cub (in space)”

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I once presented my children with the marshmallow test. On one side, there was one marshmallow. On the other side, there was two. I told them they had to choose, they could have 1 marshmallow now if thye wanted or if they waited 30 minutes, they could choose the side with two marshmallows. Pretty sure it played out like those scenes… I should be sued as well I suppose…


what’s next? You going to run the Stanford Prison Experiment with them?

“Kids as psychological test subjects. Tonight at 6 we release our investigative report” — CHU News

You never heard of the marshmallow test on kids? Look it up… I was curious to see if mine were doing to be successful or not… :wink:

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I love it – it’s great parenting…

Watching some of the videos of kids agonizing over the marshmallow is great (if a little twisted) fun.

Wonder if anybody should make this guy aware of Hidden Fortress and its similarity to A New Hope.

He seems outraged enough. Let’s let him calm down first.


What a trash article. This series is heavily influenced by Lone Wolf and Cub. That’s not stealing. Filoni straight up talks about it.

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Yeah. Mando season 1 was pretty much all homages to spaghetti westerns, then season 2 started sprinkling in samurai cinema.

These are archetypical tropes that Star Wars is being layered over. Nobody’s hiding that fact. It’s like somebody writing and incensed article that O, Brother Where Art Thou is an allegory to the Illiad. No shit.

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I ordered a 9.6 tonight. Let’s see what happens tomorrow…


We know Mary Elizabeth Winstead is coming in the Ahsoka series … my initial thoughts were her as Mara Jade. Do you think she would be a passable Aphra instead?

No it should be an Asian actress.



If half his face wasn’t obscured by his arm, that’d be a cool card.

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First half full first trading card appearance. /s

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Full disclosure on the Topps Now BOBF cards, none are going above retail in the short term so far.


didn’t stop me … I’ve wasted more money on less interesting things.