Thor 6 Skroce (Spoiler) Variant


I hope Anthony gives you a 100% bonus on your CHU salary this week!

Sweetā€¦ 100% x $0.00 = $0.00

Actually, when I do a good job, he loosens the chains a little bit for half the day. But heā€™s quick to tightening them backā€¦


The two worst appearances combined a shadow limb appearance. I rather have an ad appearance over a limb appearance at least I see what the character looks like.

I like my characters to remain a mysteryā€¦ makes the story more interestingā€¦ makes me want to come back for more storyā€¦

Thor 2 is not purely spiking due to the BW shadow hands.

Youā€™ve got just as important Strange Academy preview aka 1st apps of all those characters.

And the DC mention too in a Marvel book. People are specā€™ing on a crossover.

So itā€™s really a triple spec book.

And BW has a cameo in Thor 4 (which also on the cover of Thor 4 2nd print) which takes the title of first BW cover before any of the #6s come out.

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Strange Academy preview is in alot of books that week Thor 2 came out. The preview was also in the Marvel Previews books that came out in the beginning of the month, before the other books.

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Yes itā€™s in 5 books on 1/29 but people are gravitating towards the Thor book due to the multiple spec.

And most donā€™t count previews magazine as first app, although a preview in another comic can be a first app at times.

To me, Strange Academy 1 is first app. But Iā€™ve seen a bunch of places pushing the preview in Thor as first app. Right or wrong, thatā€™s part of the extra hype on 2.

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Count me as someone who thinks previews or ads are not firstsā€¦ collect what you want or like, I donā€™t consider advertisements shoved in the pages of magazines or comics as very appealing or valuable. I would never pay a premium for such a thing.

Now, you get some awesome GULF or other old gas station/oil/beer/other oldie sign to decorate your man/woman cave withā€¦ that I can jump on board with as collectible when it comes to advertising collectibles.

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Ive got several porcelain signs in the garage along with several shelves of oil cans. Was into it for a while when I used to watch American Pickers.


Interesting info for the uninformed,

Sounds like something to be up in arms about for people who canā€™t put a finger on it.

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Agreed, that was the reason I bought multiples of this in the first place, but then I did that for all the Stange Academy Preview books.

Ah yesā€¦the ā€œfemale anatomyā€ coverā€¦could Black Winter be a woman?

Has everyone noticed every printing of Thor 2 hasnā€™t then strange academy previewā€¦?

Seemsā€¦strangeā€¦(?)ā€¦that they keep that itā€™s kept in thereā€¦I have ā€˜t checked but Iā€™m sure they updated the addsā€¦

I assume since they are reprinting it, they reprint it in full so thatā€™s why itā€™s stayed in there.

Economics in Comics will have a spoiler up at 3pm PST. If you donā€™t like him, donā€™t want spoilers, or whatever, then donā€™t watch him.


Heā€™s made me a lot of money Iā€™m a short period of time.

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I just want to see the cover thatā€™s classified. Likely going going to be on cover C which is classified at the moment.

Thereā€™s a C cover now?

I thought it was the A, the Skroce B, and the 1:25.

Maybe Iā€™m confused. I could have mistaken the 1:25 for a B.

Not to mention there are about 1000 store variantsā€¦

So we are both talking about the Skroce. I want to see it too. This late not to be out. Book is next week.

Itā€™s going to have to be something we completely didnā€™t expect.

BW is already on the 1:50 and many other covers. They wouldnā€™t hold it back for that.