Thor Love and Thunder

They could show briefly show the origin of the Necrosword with Knull without going into all the symbiote related stuff. I doubt they will but it would be cool.

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Gonna call it, the post-credits scene is Knull.

I’m joking…maybe?

Well the big question is what happens to the sword when Gorr is done defeated and what not by the end of the movie. I’m sure Blade will say something in the distance like the Ebony Blade in Eternals. It would be a pretty good joke to have the guy named Blade show up every time a new sword appears.


“ First appearing in 2013’s Thor: God of Thunder #1


Technically yes

And it does show him in a cloud cut someone’s head off but you don’t actually see him. But they show people of his race so could be one of those as well.

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A monster coming to life from a drawing can only mean Kid Kaiju


Hmm. Adding some Monsters Unleashed 1 while they cheap.

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What if it’s drawn by the kid from jojo rabbit and it crosses over in Thor Ragnarok

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I always found it strange that a boob or schlong is taboo in the USA, but violence and gun play is totally acceptable. :man_shrugging:


Yeah, you can violently murder a female character in our movies but if you show her making love everyone is aghast.


Agreed with the above two posts!

Random violence? Perfectly acceptable.
Boobs? No, no and more no.
Murder? Acceptable. In fact, recommended.
Penis? Not only no, but HELL no.
Cursing? Allowing more but still a little taboo.
Butt? A little. However, if that butt is covered by dental floss, then that is not only perfectly acceptable, but more than likely used in the advertising for that show.

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So…we ever getting a trailer for this?

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I wish we would get one…I have two 9.6 and two 9.8 of 1st Gorr ready to roll lol. Trailer hits…I’m a seller 100%. Mama Bear needs this kitchen done! :slight_smile:


I have a gorgeous copy I’d sell once the trailer drops. Not slabbed, but pretty snazzy.

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Supposedly we might get one this week. I’d bet tomorrow

We have promotional cups but still no trailer!

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I can guarantee you the trailer will be released by the time Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness comes out, May 6th