Venom 25 Funko variant

By the time its on covrprice all copies will be gone.

A couple on Amazon if anyone needs one still

One copy here too $10 free shipping

I’ll hit my lcs Wednesday…

And when it comes to light that this is not the new Virus in Venom… we can just blame Alana! I was half joking around earlier in this thread about it all. But it would be crazy hilarious if Cates was bringing this character back to forefront… :stuck_out_tongue:

New or old it’s the first Virus if it is a different character than him that’s the 2nd Virus people buy the Golden Age Black Knight book and has nothing to do with Avengers Black Knight. The only thing that stands out really with this one is it’s kinda similar to the Knull God of Thunder appearance as it’s a one and done but this character didn’t die he escaped even saying you’ll remember me Parker we are now a part of each other before he melted through the floor and was gone to never be heard from again. If that’s not a perfect Donny Cates target I don’t know what is

Not to knock down this spec, but in the PP49 book, he calls himself THE VIRUS and not just VIRUS

Well…all the sudden PP49 has now shown up on a certain app as a “Hot Book” :slight_smile:
Let the experiment continue lol.

Heh… well, even if Virus is tied back to this character or not, if the book went from a couple of bucks to selling upwards of $30… then yes, it should start showing up on lists. :slight_smile:

Around 8th grade I shortened my name from my full name… stuck with it ever since… :wink:

Way to many jokes i could make with that one agentpoyo :wink:

Secured my copies of 48/49. $5. Going up on eBay for $30. BLSH.

Wouldn’t that also make him a candidate to become Kindred?



So, do we get any commissions from that sale? :stuck_out_tongue:



NIce! By the time get mine they will be $2 books again.

Cover price didn’t put it on the list sold twice many copies as the majority of their scam list

Everything on their top 20 sold like 12 copies PP#49 sold like 50