
I think Bill of EIC was saying they did it to save money. It may seem “cheap” in terms of quality, but I don’t think anyone really knows if cost was a factor in why they chose.

Marvel loves this stuff…but seems to pick and choose which books get it.

Well, no copies. Sold out. So no listing for me. :cry:

My shop gets nothing anymore.

Cheap paper is cheap paper. Definite drop in quality from OG print’s paper. This is also thee dumbest back n forth on these boards currently, so genuinely, who cares if our definition of cheap doesnt align. Downgrade is a downgrade.

But the “cheap” paper provided higher “quality” in terms of more vibrant colors.

My point is how you describe “cheap” is your opinion, and not based on anything relevant to cost.

When I went to my LCS today, I picked up 2 copies and made sure there were no spine tics or defects. The two I bought of cover A were fine. I also have all of the recalled issues too from two weeks ago and all of those are okay too. I bought the new ratio vairants last night off of one of the FB shows that I follow and they had all of these marked as NM with no issues. We will see when these others get here next week.

Also, I’m not sure what Bill at EIC is talking about, but the paper still feels like Image Comics quality. I’ll check this paper against the recalled ones to see, but no way is this paper as bad as some of the Marvel Toilet paper themed books we have had the past year.

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Can you check the indica? Is it identified as a “second printing?”

Imagine if publishers printed a version of comics on extra-nice paper and charged an extra dollar for it, like they’ve done with cardstock covers at points? I should shut my mouth before someone gets an idea to do it, actually.

I mean literally you have both printings. The first one isnt cardstock but its that in between more durable paper. The new printing is glossy dynamite paper. The first print will be far easier to get 9.8s than this recent reprint. Youll see lots of 9.2s in the “second” print.

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Seems a bit odd to launch this when there are still copies of the 1st print DUK spot foil cover (same art, limited to 750) sitting around at retailers.


If there’s money to be made, they will go for the money grab…

The Jenny Frison Greyscale variant iv’e seen hit $100 on ebay a few times. I pre-ordered 2.

I dug the first issue, it was really creepy and a lot more twisted than I expected. Not sure what the deal is with the naked lady (PH3AR) or however you spell it. She seems to like being naked and killing folks tho.

I thought there would be more nudity from comments people were making. But I found it somewhat tame by Indy standards.

But I just flipped through quick.

It is nowhere near the level of, “Faithless,” or old Avatar Press stuff, but it’s more than you’d see in a Marvel or DC book for sure!

I picked a couple copies of cover A, and one of the copies had some pages in the middle cut too short. Has anyone else heard or seen anything about this?

I have not heard about this. Can you show us some pics?

Recalled, eh?

We’ll grade that!


When the All Star Batman and Robin was recalled, the book came out right before Baltimore comic con. Jim Lee was there. He was not supposed to sign the recalled copies at the DC signing booth. I walked up with a cgc rep he signed it. I was walking away and then he asked if it was the recalled copy. I said yes. He said “oh I wasn’t supposed to sign that”. Cgc took the book from me and graded it.


CGC is the poster child for business integrity. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

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