Walmart DC/Marvel Packs

Haha they look pretty clean so far. I actually got them before they were stocked. The person doing the stocking hadn’t gotten them out yet so she handed them all to me out of the box to look through. I appreciate that, and stocked the rest of them for her.

I do my best to not go to Wally, but if you know the routes to take while inside, you can get in and out it without hating it too much.

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That’s the problem, I don’t even drive near their parking lot…

I can’t hate on that. This was the only reason I went tbh so I’m just glad I got something out of it haha

Is that the only new pack worth picking up?

Stepping into Walmart is like stepping through the gates of Hell. I haven’t been for some time.

Saw a video of a guy opening two of these from a couple days ago, and the books inside were different between the two packs. I think that means it’s POSSIBLE to find the Venom 25 in a pack that has a different book on the front.

These seem to be just showing up at Walmarts this week. Those black covers won’t stay in decent shape for long.

I can only speak from experience at having bought quite a few of these in the past.
The front book is never varied and I’ve never seen that front book (the main reason to buy them) ever inside. I suppose it is “possible”, but I’ve never seen it or seen it reported.

I’ve also never seen the exact same additional books in a pack, but I have seen that confirmed before.I will say, more often than not, the books inside to have at least one later printing of some title.

As crazy as it sounds, despite the packaging, the majority of the books I’ve gotten (like the Walmart Strange Academy, Bagley Symbiote Spidey, and other fairly nice/desired books) end up being in pretty nice condition. You have to be very, very careful getting that plastic wrap off of them, but in the end, they do ok. I always trim the plastic carefully, a section at a time with an x-acto knife, in order to reduced the pull/pressure.

At any rate, best of luck with the hunt.

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Good to know. Thanks.

Pretty good looking cover. Also makes that pack a better deal than some given Venom 25 had a $6 cover price on its own.

I like that cover a lot. Didn’t hit any Walmart’s though.

Against all better judgement, I hit up three in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area. One didn’t carry any, and the other two just had the older stuff for Marvel. DC was new, but the few Hell Arisen 3 3rd print packs were a little beat up. Makes me think this market hasn’t gotten the new Marvel packs yet. Means I have to go back in a few days. Gross.


Luck held out. I struck out this week finding Sentry books so this made up for it. My Walmarts aren’t bad here. Although I live in the country, the two are only about 15 & 20 min away. One is on the way home from work.
I’ll give a report on contents after opening.
The other packs were all uninspiring. X-men Empyre, FF Empyre, Empyre main title, & spiderman 45. None of the covers/artists were appealing.


Scored 2 at one of the two closest Walmarts. Other one didn’t get any of the new packs yet. Weird.

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scored 4 total at 2 different stores. opened 2 and im happy, got a miles morales spiderman 7 2nd print


I have 4 Walmart’s close by (15 min from my house in different directions). Hit two up today…some have them yet…so I’ll have to keep stopping in every few days…

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I actually stepped foot in a Walmart after you all tempted me. I found two at the Walmart I had luck at in the past for the packs, so it was worth entering Hell on Earth, I suppose.


@davidbitterbaum be like Ace Ventura after he got home…

I hit three of my four local Walmarts tonight and struck out on Venom. Two had these titles, plus Star Wars Bounty Hunters #1.

The new DC 4-packs are really, really susceptible to spine ticks. They need to beef up those backing cards.

Got 2 of the new DC packs. My one with LSH6 was perfect. The one with Nightwing 71 has tics all up the spine. This is not the norm. I think it’s probably the first one I’ve got with tics out of all the ones I’ve got. I usually have luck at my local Walmart’s; I’ll have to go looking for the Venom ones soon.

Had to go pass on 3 venoms before I found one that was of somewhat decent quality.

Sharp corners but still ended up with some color breaking ticks on the spine. The other three packs were horrendous with huge creasing due to mishandling.

Venom pack came with guardians of the galaxy #4 second printing and then also Astonishing X-men #7 (Lenticular cover variant). Naturally, the Lenticular comic was in perfect condition, lol. GoG had some scuffs on the cover along the spine but decent shape otherwise.