Walmart DC/Marvel Packs

Braved Walmart today for the first time in 4ish months. No Venom. They had several Empyre 2/3 for Marvel. And a Spidey. Does that mean someone grabbed the venoms or are those older packs?

I did score 4 90oz jugs of Lysol though which I haven’t been able to get in forever so I was more happy about that then I would be finding the Venom.

Wonder if what’s inside is random anymore.

Both my Venoms had the same two books. Duds. Anyone else get these two books in theirs, or can tell through the plastic?


At least the Venoms are in great shape…could use a press as some of the plastic shrink wrap seems to press its form into the cover…should easily press out.

My 2 packs were different. Different from what you received too. Nothing earth shattering though.

Spiderverse #1 with Spider-Zero on the cover is selling for about $40-$50.

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Shit. It’s hit $89

Weird, huh? Without any kind of news…

Yeah. I saw one sold that high recently. Last three sold were $40, $85, and $50

I always debate removing from the packs. I did for this one though (spider verse). It was actually still in great shape.
In the shrink wrap you never have to argue condition which is nice.

Yeah. I take them out but if they are still shrink wrapped they are “new and unopened”

I take them out so I can get the later printing book (In most) and to take pictures of the book to demonstrate its condition. Plus bad and board for safe travels.

I’m think the longer you hold it in shrink wrap the more likely potential buyers will think it’s damaged.

So if you don’t find the near the gaming cards in the checkout isle, you might want to look in the books and magazine section …

Of course, by the time they make it there they are usually ravaged and picked over by vultures looking for hot reprints…

It’s Wal-Mart, do you expect any type of people with “class” shopping there?

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I don’t think this is a “Walmart shopper” thing, but More a sleezy speculator that’s looking to quick flip some books…And doesn’t want to gamble $10 to only find seek inside.

I was stopping in to see if I could spot any Ghost Spider 1s by the exposed spine…which is a less destructive way of trying to seek these out…

So sleezy speculator without “class”… I stand corrected on my terminology used :wink:

I found 2 Venom packs at another Walmart this morning…and the Venoms look minty! I thought I was going to strike out again…this was the 4th Walmart I’ve hit this week…one store doesn’t even stock the comics. I also grabbed the Spidey Noir and Avengers Black Widow packs from the prior releases…was on the fence about those, but they can be returned if buyer’s remorse sets in.

Is anyone buying the Allegiance line of comics at Walmart? I would have considered them if Walmart hadn’t plastered their own price stickers on the front of them. That’s been the case for both issues 1 and 2 in all my area Walmarts. And the stickers don’t seem easily removable w/out causing damage to the comic. What a deterrent for collectors!

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Luckily my Walmart doesn’t put that sticker on theirs. I actually enjoy the books and they are nice high quality work. Red Rooster is the one I like most.

Jinny Hix 1st (Batman 100 pg Walmart Giant #4) seems to be back on the radar with Hix getting a one shot in late December…

Beware…it’s not the 2019 Court of Owls cover…


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